Whoa! Mayor of Colorado City, TX just resigned after making this FB post. TLDR: The government owes you nothing, and you’re on your own for this cold snap.

This attitude made America's prior generations resilient.
Well... These are services you pay for in taxes and bills directly though. So the stance is actually pretty shit if you consider that.
That is his point. Few of us pay taxes. The rest are trying to squeeze into the poor category go get everything free. Not because they can't work but because they don't want to. Democrats eat that shit up as it helps them usher in socialism.
Maybe a winter storm that is not just unusual but unheard of for decades -- so for probably millions, not happened for their entire lives -- is not the right time to take this stance though. Especially because, again, they pay these power companies. And generally when you lose power it's "tough shit, no credit back"
Did TX have warning of a pending storm?
We had a few days notice here in Michigan. Plenty of time to make arrangements. I am always stocked up on the stuff I need, but I did go over our power outage plan and emergency plan with my 10 year old the day before we got our storm.
We are talking about utilities here. They are a government monopoly.
The takeaway is pretty simple: Monopolies are bad (including government ones) because they get to a point where they don't give a damn about the customer (especially true of governments).
This mayor is merely the poster child for a government employee who does not give a damn about the people who pay his salary.
People should be prepared? Sure. And the government has no responsibility to be prepared, when they use force to create a monopoly? Nobody can agree with that.
I think that's a side issue. Ultimately people put too much faith in the government.
I guess I'm used to not relying on people. Made me tough and a little callous. Sorry if that hurts your feelings but only you can change that.