I've heard about "DUMB's" (deep underground military bases) many times on this forum, but I can't find any comprehensive info on them that can be verified. The videos that I did come across seem to be too tinfoil-hat for me to trust. (ex. MAGLEV tunnels thousands of miles long, 28% of U.S. GDP spent to build these bases, aliens in the tunnels...)
Furthermore, there's speculation that some earthquakes might be the white hats destroying DUMBs.
Where are they and what are they used for? What's the relationship to Q?
The accounting issue seems credible to me. The only question is how much a network of a hundred DUMBs with tunnels hundreds of miles long would cost. In NYC, digging a mile of subway tunnel costs $1 billion (since NYC is corrupt and uses union contractors that charge $120/hour). So let's assume the military can do it at 1% of the cost ($10 million/mile), similar to Elon Musk's tunnel boring costs. Now let's assume the military has top secret technology that can drill them at 1/10 of that, or $1 million/mile. It actually sounds possible to dig 10,000 miles of tunnels for just $10 billion.
But how are DUMBs connected to child trafficking? Is it just complete speculation with no proof?
Not complete speculation to my mind. There was that septic tank i think as a jail, with kids found in it in AZ (poor mans DUMB).
A weak sauce proof is also The China Lake facility, one rumoured cabal location, raided in 2019. "news" outlets have done much to dismiss this as fake news, but fake news calling something fake is a tactic that always raises my sus flag tbh. Reuters makes a big deal to fact check a specific figure (35k) but ive seen claims of less than 1/10th of that saved made, and finding data on it through normal channels is bloody impossible now.
https://m.vk.com/wall-188858916_30 for what little i could find on china lake.
As for how they are connected to child trafficking... Well, "child trafficking" is accurate as a term i guess, but its like saying the brinks bullion robbery was mere theft, or the battle of normandy was just an allied invasion of france. It doesn't do what is happening justice as a phrase.
It's not just the fact they take kids, or even that they abuse them. remember what we face is sicker than mere pedos, which a sentence id never thought id ever fucking write.
This requires a truly vomit-inducing, sordid web of not just child rape, but baby farming, followed by persistent infant / child torture for adrenochrome production, organ (and blood) harvesting, satanic cultism, and parties where people cannibalise babies alive. Now couple that with this... Hell is too weak a term amazingly... having been going on in some form for decades, and you would need something this deep a cover to keep it hidden. If you have all that living evil in a mass production format to keep everyone under control in the cabal, and you need things like the dumbs to hide it.
Imagine your addicted to a drug like adrenochrome. Keeps you feeling young, looking like your 20, and apparently is a high people damn themselves for. Stop and you'll probably die from withdrawl.
Now imagine you have fuck everyone money to burn as well. You want a constant supply? you need basically a baby farm. Cant have the farm, equipment, the network of kidnappers, or the poor remains getting found though, or you and quite a lot of influential people will never be safe again. What to do? Only thing for it is hide it as deep in cover as you can afford.
You can do that by either making basically planned parenthood, or you go bespoke and go solo with your own subterranean bunker. Rich enough, you can link your complex with others and pay governments to make it using "lost" budgets and slush funds.
The drug i think is another keystone to the cabal network. Without it you cant keep the control over the influence network. Keep the supply of babysmack flowing, you have a 1 2 combo to exploit - addiction drivers + blackmail. If the addiction doesn't keep em in line, the blackmail will.
I personally trust in machiavellian logic when dealing with the cabal. It is safer to assume the worst and then be happily surprised on any of the claims being false. So far, every passing day makes it looks less likely they are false claims.
Never underestimate man's desire for power, control, and for their base desires to be fulfilled. With the right incentives, and effectively infinite money from fiat & futures markets at your disposal, anything, both for darkness and for light, is possible.
I heard that the higher-level cult members have devastating blackmail on the lower ranked members, so that none of them are likely to speak out.