if the US government is lying about space why did the soviets play along with the space race? not trying to debunk this, just trying to understand because i never really considered this before
IMO, because the planet is run by a cabal of globalist elites, and everything is manufactured to make us believe a narrative. The wars & conflicts are as fake as our elections (the fighting and bloodshed is real, but the reasons behind the actual conflicts are fake). They keep us fighting each other so we don't see who is pulling the puppet strings (of every nation). The space race is/was just another "circus" to keep our attention and keep their false narratives going. As long as we have bread & circuses, the majority of us will never look deeper.
One of the most respected Marine Corps generals in history was Gen. Smedley Butler. He said war is a racket, and isn't fought for the reasons thought by the general public.
People really hold on to the feeling of patriotism that the moon landing brought and this kind of comment ruins a lot of peoples (especially boomer-aged) world view. If the moon landing wasn't real then everything they have ever been told / believe in could also be fake. For me, 9-11 was that event, I was in heavy denial for years - even when evidence of stuff not adding up was shown to me, I could not accept it. But once I saw all the oddities about sandy hook - it opened the flood gates and finally allowed me to question many, many things.
Why did Putin play along with the Covid hoax? It is almost like some of these lies are forced onto every country by an authority even higher than any individual national leader. Even Trump played along with the hoax too. On the night of the 2016 Election, John Kerry made an emergency flight to Antarctica. Who was there that he suddenly needed to speak to? There seems to be something there that we aren’t being told about.
Kerry does seem to be the go to guy when there is a need for clandestine face to face meetings. Remember when he went to Paris to meet with Iranians? He married his daughter off to them hoping to cash out and now he's useless as a puppet.
if the US government is lying about space why did the soviets play along with the space race? not trying to debunk this, just trying to understand because i never really considered this before
Nasa are a smokescreen for the secret space program. I made a thread that can help you on your way regarding this subject:
IMO, because the planet is run by a cabal of globalist elites, and everything is manufactured to make us believe a narrative. The wars & conflicts are as fake as our elections (the fighting and bloodshed is real, but the reasons behind the actual conflicts are fake). They keep us fighting each other so we don't see who is pulling the puppet strings (of every nation). The space race is/was just another "circus" to keep our attention and keep their false narratives going. As long as we have bread & circuses, the majority of us will never look deeper.
One of the most respected Marine Corps generals in history was Gen. Smedley Butler. He said war is a racket, and isn't fought for the reasons thought by the general public.
How did this get downvotes?
People really hold on to the feeling of patriotism that the moon landing brought and this kind of comment ruins a lot of peoples (especially boomer-aged) world view. If the moon landing wasn't real then everything they have ever been told / believe in could also be fake. For me, 9-11 was that event, I was in heavy denial for years - even when evidence of stuff not adding up was shown to me, I could not accept it. But once I saw all the oddities about sandy hook - it opened the flood gates and finally allowed me to question many, many things.
sandy hook was just insulting; they didnt even try to stage it properly
Why did Putin play along with the Covid hoax? It is almost like some of these lies are forced onto every country by an authority even higher than any individual national leader. Even Trump played along with the hoax too. On the night of the 2016 Election, John Kerry made an emergency flight to Antarctica. Who was there that he suddenly needed to speak to? There seems to be something there that we aren’t being told about.
Kerry does seem to be the go to guy when there is a need for clandestine face to face meetings. Remember when he went to Paris to meet with Iranians? He married his daughter off to them hoping to cash out and now he's useless as a puppet.