posted ago by PeaceAndLovePatriot ago by PeaceAndLovePatriot +117 / -3

This will be a crazy one for you...

The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet (Aleph-Beit) contained letters, some similar to ours today actually. And the letters held MUCH more meaning than ours do.

Each letter containing a meaning of WHAT the letter meant/originated from, a numerical value.

So you would spell with the letters, but there was a second and third layer of meaning to each word with the letters used.

The letter Q was the Qoph/Quph and represented a rising sun. A circle with a horizontal line through it. Its also drawn vertically, but is the same meaning.


So, since Q essentially means TIME... remember when POTUS said this:


And he kept calling HRC the "Crooked One"? Who is historically the CROOKED ONE???

Saturn aka Chronos aka the TIME KEEPER aka the Crooked Serpent aka Satan

So... Q = Time and HRC (or them in general) are Time Keepers and POTUS wants his STOLEN TIME back?!

How does this tie into 'Man in the High Castle'? Watch the series on Amazon Prime if you have it.

The show is about;

  • Controlling perception through media, which creates an actual outcome in reality

  • Jumping timelines through thought and intention (POTUS opened the door of doors)

  • Technology created to MERGE timelines to the best possible singular timeline, thus allowing all people who died to be alive at the same time, and all the best versions of that individual to only exist. Think Melania 'Be Best'.

  • An grassroot resistance that starts against the evil, and their logo is this;


LOOK FAMILIAR? Its the Qoph or letter Q! And whos in the middle of the Qoph???

Maybe this?


For reference, the Qoph has a gematria value of 100 and is the 19th letter in that alphabet.

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmm?????

Now on to Y heads

Y, or Vav is the 6th letter of that alphabet. Have you seen the 'Monster' energy drink can? It uses the modern version of the Vav 3 times to make the M. It means 666.


6 is the number of Man in the Bible, it represents that we, as humans as ONE short of completion/refinement, the number 7. "All fall short of the Glory of God".

Man was created on the 6th day. The 'mark of the beast', which is the mark of man is 666 (or 6 magnified/glorified, a trinity of man, and is the mark of our human makeup, the Carbon/dust molecule; 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons)

The Vav originated from the Nail. Jesus was nailed to the cross with 3 nails, one in each hand and one in the feet. Again, 666. Get the meaning? Its mankind that nailed him to the cross.

Is it no coincidence, in drop 60...Q said:


Reread that. read it again. and again until you REALLY get the meaning.

Anyways.... back to Y heads (just search the term on Qagg)

It represents a divergence, a split from singular to dual. It represents DUALITY, aka 'the tree of knowledge of good and evil', black and white, chess board, Free Masons the '33', the 'stag', the 'goat', etc. EXTREMELY deep topic. Again, connect the points of the Y and you get the triangle pointing down. Its the 'Below' in 'as above so below', being double minded... and thats key because HOW do you become Double minded...? By stealing another persons MIND (connection to God) via Adrenochrome which is created in the part of the brain that contains the.....

THIRD EYE (Pineal Gland)

Now the I heads... how many times has Q dropped about 'missing I' and 'ChidIren' and 'I.8 billion' etc etc etc. That is a difficult search because I will pull up most drops cause its just a letter, but Q and POTUS mentions it a LOT and people who followed Q from the start will recall that.

The I = Unicorn/unihorn (Jim Watkins named a lot of his yt vids with unicorn in the title), The unified mind, integration, lack of duality, the third eye.

Every human is born this way. The enemy STEALS the 'I' and consumes it. THIS is the 'wine of the wrath of God' in Revelation. THIS is why they wear RED SHOES that shows they have TRAMPLED the WINE PRESS. The Biltmore 'pool' is not a pool. It is a Wine Press where they harvest 'ripe grapes'.

The 'I' is the 'Chrism' aka Christ aka the Anointing Oil of God. The Chosen/Elect of God are gifted with 'Christ within'... the 'Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN', between the Temples of your skull is the Temple of God, the Crown, Corona, connection to Source. Revelation talks of the 'souls of the beheaded' and 'dont let any man take your CROWN'

Corona Virus? Crown virus. Mind virus. "These people are SICK" -Q

Indeed. They are 'Spirit cooking' or stealing the SOUL out of children and integrating it into their MIND, Y HEADS. They are SICK IN THE HEAD!