My family is from Poland and my parents left there before I was born.
I have no intention of returning.
I'll become an American instead, unless Biden starts shipping you off into concentration camps. In which case I'd have to look for another way to keep the seed of liberty alive.
I just hope God's plan involves the military rounding up the traitors and convicting them for treason as opposed to everybody being forced to learn a lesson of unity through a repeat of past catastrophes.
There is no doubt in my mind that whatever plays out will be perfect, I'm just worried we won't like it.
Conservatives, in my opinion, carry a not insignificant proportion of the blame for the shitshow going on right now for failing to connect, communicate and unite with their fellow (infuriatingly brainwashed) Americans.
It's obvious that the establishment wants the population divided (e.g. "left vs right", "white vs black" etc.).
And far too many people keep playing into their hands due to lack of patience and self-control.
Banned abortion, took a stance against the "refugee" invasion of economic opportunist and jihadis, very Christian, against multi-culturalism.
That said, taxes are high, jobs scarce and they pay like shit.
People keep vilifying money, but it's a powerful tool. More people must learn about investing, not neglect their careers and make sure they have the resources to at least slightly shift society towards good.
My family is from Poland and my parents left there before I was born.
I have no intention of returning.
I'll become an American instead, unless Biden starts shipping you off into concentration camps. In which case I'd have to look for another way to keep the seed of liberty alive.
I just hope God's plan involves the military rounding up the traitors and convicting them for treason as opposed to everybody being forced to learn a lesson of unity through a repeat of past catastrophes.
There is no doubt in my mind that whatever plays out will be perfect, I'm just worried we won't like it.
Conservatives, in my opinion, carry a not insignificant proportion of the blame for the shitshow going on right now for failing to connect, communicate and unite with their fellow (infuriatingly brainwashed) Americans.
It's obvious that the establishment wants the population divided (e.g. "left vs right", "white vs black" etc.). And far too many people keep playing into their hands due to lack of patience and self-control.
Banned abortion, took a stance against the "refugee" invasion of economic opportunist and jihadis, very Christian, against multi-culturalism.
That said, taxes are high, jobs scarce and they pay like shit.
People keep vilifying money, but it's a powerful tool. More people must learn about investing, not neglect their careers and make sure they have the resources to at least slightly shift society towards good.