posted ago by BQQMTIME ago by BQQMTIME +16 / -2

"QFS ends corruption that could currently exist with regard to Central Banking. The QFS will cover the new global network for the transfer of asset backed funds. It Replaces the US - Centrally Controlled SWIFT system with a Global – Decentralized Controlled CIPS (Cross Border Interbank Payment System). QFS runs on a new Photonic Computer / based on “24 GPS orbiting” satellites, (protected by the new “Space Force”)

Purpose of QFS is to put an end to corruption, usury, and manipulation within the banking system. “Banks” no longer will need to generate significant profits from transactions of funds transfers.

QFS completely independent from existing “centralized” system; makes all other transfer systems obsolete.

QFS is NOT crypto currency. After REVAL (reevaluation) all sovereign currencies will be asset backed ensuring stable value which makes the need for unbacked cryptos outdated (the process simply digests the information on computer memory banks)

QFS activation ends the “Central Banking System” that perpetuates what some refer to as “Debt Slavery”

QFS reigns supreme in the technology it applies and creates / 100% financial security and transparency for all currency holders to individual currency holders

QFS assigns a digital number to every fiat dollar / euro/yen in every bank account all over the world. Digital numbers are monitored and updated in real time: showing where it went (GPS authentication) when it was ledger-ed who sent it and what account received it

QFS is alive with Artificial Intelligence that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that it is legal, power intended, and transparent.

ONLY gold or asset backed currencies that have a digital gold or asset certificate will be transferred through the QFS. All gold/asset backed currency reference back to the piece of gold or asset backing it !!

Asset backed currency is based on assets within the country of origin. Assets are the justification to establish the amount of currency available in each country

NO FIAT CURRENCY IS LEGAL IN QFS as it cannot be designated as “clean, clear, non-terroristic, or originating from legal activities”

FIAT currencies in “possession” at time of implementation of QFS and deemed “legal” will be exchanged for gold backed currency on a one to one basis. “Reconciliation” process

Without the ability to reconcile old FIAT money into the new QFS, ALL CENTRAL BANKS ACTIVITIES WILL CEASE.

Any country not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS thus eventually being left out of “International Trade”

Global Currency Reset (GCR) will use a specific quantitative formula to establish the amount of currency available “in a country” that is gold – backed in QFS. The formula will establish a fair value in each country’s assets as compared to another. “Price of Gold” becomes irrelevant once this is complete. Included in the formula are in-ground assets, economy of the country, its population (as an asset) and several other parameters. This formula is applied to each country so they can be on par with one another.

The application of the formula and the common value of all gold means that a country’s currency must have the same value as another country’s currency. This is referred to as the GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET

A Global Wealth distribution (GWD) based on Commerce and sovereignty, Each QFS account throughout the world will be solely owned by the account holders, not owned by banks or governments.

The Artificial Intelligence will be applied across the QFS (one instantiation in each data center) but the nodes will coordinate through parallel processing. The AI will work with the CIPS VPN in background by providing semantic analysis and natural language processing to understand what’s being said about banking products across the entire user base. It will facilitate adaptation and will evolve over time by recognizing new behavior and recommending appropriate bank-side responses.

“And He will judge between the nations. He will mediate (disputes) for many peoples; And they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up the sword against nation, and never again will they learn war.” Isaiah 2:4

Trust the Plan"
