Bidan, is not Biden, he is a fraud and was never a legitimate (legal) candidate. Trump ran unopposed, he is still President. Think about it, we are literally watching a movie. Why are the courts not hearing any cases? Because they have no standing, why? Well I think we now know why.
We have everything! Enjoy the movie!
Someone could simply expose Bidan... by checking the fingerprints vs. his prints on file. Then they could do a simple DNA check to verify it's not really Joe Biden.
After that... the entire administration collapses instantaneously.
A fraud ran for office, the actual Joe Biden was never elected, the fraud took the oath of office under false ID, etc... . Everything in Washington DC would come to a screeching halt. Next would come questions about which other lawmakers knew of the fake Bidan. :>)
All of the votes for the fake Bidan would be wiped out nationally... and Trump could simply walk back into office.
obama was the prototype