so what about this thought: people have said the temperature in DC that day was not very cold, or not colder than other inauguration days when uniforms were worn w/ranks and honors. Could wearing these overcoats when they really didn't have to, hide the fact that no ranks/honors could be displayed?
Overcoats do not have any ranks or honors.... the gun salute may be something.... but the coat thing has already been de-bunked (fact checked ?)
so what about this thought: people have said the temperature in DC that day was not very cold, or not colder than other inauguration days when uniforms were worn w/ranks and honors. Could wearing these overcoats when they really didn't have to, hide the fact that no ranks/honors could be displayed?
Thanks, that's what I thought about the uniforms...Wasn't sure...But the Gun salute and certain protocols are definitely different.
We often see " overcoats" worn by the VIPs. They are Kevlar bullet and projectile resistant outerwear. Nota bene: no head shot protection.
Why do some of them have rank insignia then? @1:13