It does raise the question as to whether (((they))) trust him. I personally don't think the 45th POTUS is in control of Biden.....but who is if not the cabal?
Who knows? I mean... That's not even Joe Biden! There's only two parties at play that I know of:
us vs. the ENEMY. They control the CCP even, so that's effectively one entity. Perhaps Pelosi, Kamala, and the rest of those morons suspect "Joe" doesn't even HAVE the football?
Yes, I believe this is the first part of the 25th. "See, he's acting funny and he won't give us the codes" sorta thing.
Makes me wonder who controls President Potato. If they trusted that he was under THEIR control they would not fight to remove authority from him.
It does raise the question as to whether (((they))) trust him. I personally don't think the 45th POTUS is in control of Biden.....but who is if not the cabal?
Who knows? I mean... That's not even Joe Biden! There's only two parties at play that I know of: us vs. the ENEMY. They control the CCP even, so that's effectively one entity. Perhaps Pelosi, Kamala, and the rest of those morons suspect "Joe" doesn't even HAVE the football?
Let's say ROTUS denies the request. Will there be a congressional movement to force the issue?
"He also said the N word the other day remember guys. We must impeach him!"
Now that is a peach mint hearing I'd pay money to see, and hear the MSM try to explain. Hahaha!