It's sickening, really. I'm sure I'm not one of the only ones of Gen Z who browses these boards, among others, but it's difficult not to start dooming. Our schools are putting up plexiglass between desks, our teachers parrot the state-approved propaganda, most things are closed here or require us to "socially distance," so mostly everyone spends their time force feeding whatever self-destructive narratives are being pushed through pop culture and social media.
If that's not enough, the few people who do understand bullshit is going on don't think much of it because there's so much apathy in Gen Z and people don't really understand that we're living in a time where mass catastrophe is completely possible. They can't fathom it, because of how good we really have it, but everyone has been forced into lockstep with this sort of savior complex, following the whole "being oppressed, anti-white" dogma because they think that it puts them on some sort of moral pedastal. They teach things in the classroom masked as apolitical then tell us we need to identify with it so we can "find out who we are" and fight for justice. Most just care about what rappers are getting out of jail, how many attention points they can fit into their basket, or are ripping their hair out and screaming at the sky because they can't figure out which fucking gender they are, or some bullshit like that. More boys are being demasculinated and are directionless and disenfranchised in terms of growing up to be men, more of the girls are running to OnlyFans as soon as they can and feel entitled to acting promiscuos, which is being encouraged ontinuously.
It feels like I'm in NPC Headquarters. The only thing that's been keeping me sane besides trying to educate myself with books or exercise. I don't really know how long that'll last.
Try praying to God to help you. This never fails. Ask Him to show you something that you have never experienced. Not something intellectual, something real. Then wait.
How do I build a better connection with Christ? Everything around me is so Godless so I'm not quite sure how to do this, but I want to. Do I read the Bible? Which do I read? This is a post-secular world and while I do believe in Jesus, I wouldn't say I put as much faith in him as I should.
What great questions. Keep asking them!
My opinion: Look at Jesus. Not as a man, but as He is. Here is a plan:
Pick a good bible translation that you are willing to read. It should be closer to a word by word translation for accuracy. I like New King James. I hear NASB is good. The English Standard Version is good. If you struggle with those, the New International Version is not bad.
Read the book of John. Focus on who Jesus is. John had a very unique relationship with Jesus and, in my opinion, saw and experienced Jesus' love the way no other disciple did. John also focuses on Jesus' divinity.
Read the other Gospels. Matthew focuses in on the old testament prophecies that Jesus fulfills and accounting for miracles. Luke attempts to present information the other Gospel accounts did not include, and presents it to a gentile (non-Jewish) friend.
Study and pray. Jesus presented the biggest red pill through all history when He demonstrated many who believe they were holy were evil.