Yes! Since last April when it became evident that we're being lied to. Bill Gates keeps getting extensive coverage like he's some kind of expert. Who the fuck cares what he thinks? Now, they're pushing the narrative that people can ditch masks once EVERYONE is vaccinated i.e. even if you are vaccinated, you should still wear one until everyone you're around is vaccinated. If the vaccine works at all, then why?! The most recent article even used the phrase "according to Fauci, it could take through the summer to get vaccines into everyone's arms." Fuck off, Gates and Fauci! Many are willing to quite literally die on this hill.
Yes! Since last April when it became evident that we're being lied to. Bill Gates keeps getting extensive coverage like he's some kind of expert. Who the fuck cares what he thinks? Now, they're pushing the narrative that people can ditch masks once EVERYONE is vaccinated i.e. even if you are vaccinated, you should still wear one until everyone you're around is vaccinated. If the vaccine works at all, then why?! The most recent article even used the phrase "according to Fauci, it could take through the summer to get vaccines into everyone's arms." Fuck off, Gates and Fauci! Many are willing to quite literally die on this hill.