I've been reading here since Jan 6. I've heard of the Q posts before, but never REALLY looked into it before then. I'm registered independent. I vote any parties, but have typically leaned left, mainly due to support for gay people and poor people. BUT in the last 5-6 years, I've discovered NO PARTY DOES THAT. I've always been interested in "conspiracies" and I KNOW for a fact that government lies to its people through my own experiences.I'm going to be honest. I don't believe in "lizard people". I have laughed at some of the theories here. Not to insult anyone, but because they are ...well, shocking, to say the least. Yet, I often find many posts and comments here that speak to my soul. Are there people with basically all the money that want to keep it that way? Yes, I have no doubt. Has the American government covered up/instigated/hidden things from us? Yes, no doubt. So,I want to talk to you guys, and there's a million questions that I have. But I assume you will call me a "shill" and think I am not sincere. Can I ask questions and you take me serious? I will be honest with you. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I'm not a Biden supporter, neither. I am very skeptical of EVERYTHING. I believe things that have proof behind them, in some way. I don't believe something just because someone says it, from any side. My people say "Qanon" is anything from silly to evil.(Yes, I know there's no actual "Qanon). But, I want to find out for myself. Can I do that? Can I talk to you guys? As a "non right wing" person? I try to be respectful, and open minded. I think most of the people that believe Q are not understood. I definitely don't understand, but I would like to.
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I may not be the average believer. I do believe in God. But maybe not Christianity or Judaism or religions at all. I try to be like Jesus, overall. But religions have been used to destroy people for hundreds of years. The Catholic church has killed more people than any dictator ever has. Ts impossible for me to forget that. I'm a former Catholic, also.
Welcome here my friend, if you stick around you will see that we are not as the MSM makes us out to be. Start by changing your browser to DuckDuckGo so that you can research on your own. We don’t tell people what to think or how to feel about it. Ideas are presented here but you have to do your part if you want the truth of what is happing out there. Oh and start on rumble with the fall of the cabal and its sequel
DuckDuckGo is a search engine, not a browser. And it's not the most reliable search engine. THere's a recent discussion, which lists others.
Epic, for example, possibly offers better privacy but I'm not sure about results. https://epicsearch.in/how_it_works
And this one: https://searx.me/
And this: https://www.yippy.com/
Religions have been corrupted, however, being religious gives one a base of morality. Our Constitution was written to function only if people have morals. Loss of morality is part of the reason we wound up here.
Dang , you just described me
While the Catholic church may have killed many a long time ago (all religions warred back then), they have since reformed. Islam has never reformed. They promote killing infidels and marrying nine-year-olds. To this day, they enslave and castrate Africans and sell them in open air markets. I'm not religious, but even I acknowledge without Christianity we would never have had western civilization and with it freedom and individualism that came from it.
Estimations of the 20th century death toll of both communist and fascist dictators combined are around 124 million. Christianity's death toll regardless of motive and throughout all of history 85mil-106 mil.
https://reason.com/2013/03/13/communism-killed-94m-in-20th-century/ https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Death_toll_of_Christianity
Christianity isn’t about the people being perfect but Jesus forgiving them. We’re all deserving of hell but Christ died and rose again so we can go to Heaven with him
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jer 29:13 A promise from God to you...:)