Did some searching on the black eye club, "soul scalping" comes up a lot. Duckduck it. Freaking really strange to say the least if true, I doubt it but then where can one come up with a lizards brain entering and taking over someone's mind through the eye? You have to have a really wild imagination to come up with something that strange.
The parasite injectors are called vril. That's where the "lizard people" comes from. The people are people, but the parasote literally smites their consciousness out of existence and takes over, like the parasites that takes over ants, grasshoppers, or mice.
Did some searching on the black eye club, "soul scalping" comes up a lot. Duckduck it. Freaking really strange to say the least if true, I doubt it but then where can one come up with a lizards brain entering and taking over someone's mind through the eye? You have to have a really wild imagination to come up with something that strange.
The parasite injectors are called vril. That's where the "lizard people" comes from. The people are people, but the parasote literally smites their consciousness out of existence and takes over, like the parasites that takes over ants, grasshoppers, or mice.
We deworm our cats, dogs, and horses every year. We stopped deworming ourselves 60 years ago.
So this would imply he's over his ability to handle. Kinda like calling for demonic reinforcements.
Seems fitting.