If you have a drone, record everything from low orbit
If you have a phone, record everything from airplane mode.
Get faces. Get origins. Where they come from who they group with. Get everything you can early. Before there's news.
Whatever they wanted to do on the 6th was foiled by no shows. They will supply more actors the next time. ID all the actors.
If they want to blame guns they will supply guns. Get close up 4K clear images of every gun. Especially ARs will be their ban targets, get the left side of the mag well. That has manufacturer info and serial numbers usually. Get as much as you can, as clear as you can. They are after civil rights but can't buy ARs right now they're sold out everywhere meaning airsofts or military in disguise. Get those MFR and SN#s to show where the guns are from if you see a gun.
When they leave (they won't be arrested no matter the event) follow them to their getaway and grouping points. Compare who groups before and after. Get faces, get clothes, get identifying patches or other uniform identifiers.
Don't put everything public immediately. If there is a cover story lie, let it be told and sold, then prove the lie. Don't help them create new ones, they will change the story a lot in the first week. Like deaths by fire extinguisher.
This doesn't just apply to tomorrow. If anything newsworthy ever happens near you record little details. Look for actors. As mister rogers said, look for the helpers.
Everybody nearby: don't participate in anything.
If you have a drone, record everything from low orbit
If you have a phone, record everything from airplane mode.
Get faces. Get origins. Where they come from who they group with. Get everything you can early. Before there's news.
Whatever they wanted to do on the 6th was foiled by no shows. They will supply more actors the next time. ID all the actors.
If they want to blame guns they will supply guns. Get close up 4K clear images of every gun. Especially ARs will be their ban targets, get the left side of the mag well. That has manufacturer info and serial numbers usually. Get as much as you can, as clear as you can. They are after civil rights but can't buy ARs right now they're sold out everywhere meaning airsofts or military in disguise. Get those MFR and SN#s to show where the guns are from if you see a gun.
When they leave (they won't be arrested no matter the event) follow them to their getaway and grouping points. Compare who groups before and after. Get faces, get clothes, get identifying patches or other uniform identifiers.
Don't put everything public immediately. If there is a cover story lie, let it be told and sold, then prove the lie. Don't help them create new ones, they will change the story a lot in the first week. Like deaths by fire extinguisher.
This doesn't just apply to tomorrow. If anything newsworthy ever happens near you record little details. Look for actors. As mister rogers said, look for the helpers.