Lin Wood Drops a Bombshell 191-Page Whistleblower transcript about the Deep State: Rosenstein, VP Mike Pence, Roberts and Children, Judge Assassination Plots, Murder of Scalia with DMSO, the Robbery and Murder of Seth Rich, the "Dirty Trick Squad", Pedo Judge Sullivan, Pedo Joe Biden and worse.
? These people are sick! ?
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Well, Lin is a pretty good source, himself.
He has been losing credibility since the election. I don't just mean with normies, but he has yet to put up and won't shut up.
Thank you MSNBC.
Not really. Does nobody remember his "in 20 days, this will happen"
Look, Lin Wood is a good attorney but not a good prophet.
Context matters, kek.
Then he needs to stay out of that seat, because he caused a lot of weak red pilled normies to doom. He's riding the Q wave during Qs silence.
He is not.
Thats all you got WEAK AF
Hi Anderson Cooper.