posted ago by OldSoulPatriot ago by OldSoulPatriot +46 / -0

Lately, it seems there are many posts suggesting certain evil individuals have been arrested & replaced by actors. So, I thought it might be fun to make a post for listing as many of these theories as possible. Here is an assortment of "game" ideas pulled from Q https://qalerts.net/?q=play+a+game.

For starters, Qpost #1093 https://qalerts.net/?q=%231093 links to a YT video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOUFsCS7xYE where DJT in Oct. 20, 2016 (just prior to the election) publicly roasts HRC for very specific crimes and she just grins. To me, this only makes sense if HRC had already been taken into custody on Sept. 11, 2016 as many have suggested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4qwry5Ypj4.