"In the USA one-hundred years ago, everybody who had food to eat expected rather good health, especially if they lived in small towns. The diseases we have today were rare. At that time, the greatest fears were freezing and starvation. Most other deaths occurred during cold seasons from gradual nightly carbon monoxide and tar poisons from burning wood or coal in fireplaces, wood stoves and ovens where houses, cottages or shacks were closed, poorly ventilated or non-ventilated. That created lung toxicity that caused frequent flu and other respiratory diseases. In major cities, many diseases and deaths were caused by the same indoor pollution plus smog from silversmiths and blacksmiths every few blocks. Rarely was there a sky-high smoke stack that pumped the smog high into the sky, diluting the toxic particles. Also, many factories, homes and buildings used coal-burning furnaces that vaporized mercury into the air. Heavy metal poisons were constantly in the air as they are today but they were held in concentrations in households and narrow streets. When animals are exposed to such air-pollution as coal dust and vaporized mercury, many develop pulmonary diseases like the Black Plague. Vessels for eating and drinking usually were made of poisonous metals, adding to the toxicity that caused diseases of the times. Factually, What Causes Diseases Today ? We are conditioned to believe that germs are the cause of most of our many diseases, that those “germs” are “pathogenic”. It is 99% myth, superstition and false. Animals exposed to all of nature’s microbes do not get diseases. We develop disease PDN #04, Part I Primal Diet Newsletters - Volume 1 (2006) 29 from accumulation of industrial pollution, including vaccines, medication, processed food and household compounds just as they did 100 years ago.(i) However, we have 60,000 more industrial chemicals than we had 100 years ago. Animals in the wild constantly expose themselves to microbes. They lick their and each other's feces and “germs”, including strangers, and never get diseases. The superstitions that we are fed daily by the pharmaceutical, medical and opportunistic bacteria-phobic industries through academia and media, especially television, would lead us to believe that nature is inherently designed to harm and kill us. Academia believes, and indoctrinates us to believe, that most anything from academia and science, even though ideas, laws and formulas change, is truth and the only rational reality. Academia teaches us that science and business are most important but teach us nothing about ourselves and our health. Academia teaches us to revere and accept everything that medicine says is right."
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I find this line of thinking interesting but isn't something I've looked into as of yet. What is your opinion on the likelihood of accepted germ theory being wrong, and who do you consider good voices on the topic.
See Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan's work, leading the charge. Cowan also wrote "The Contagion Myth" book last year. My favorite book however, is "Bechamp or Pasteur" by Ethel Hume which was first published in 1923. It shows definitively, with loads of stats and evidence, that the germ theory was soundly debunked on every front by those outside the "medical establishment". You name it; rabies, anthrax, typhus, typhoid fever, dysentery, tetanus, whooping cough, etc. (the "diseases" of those times) - all shown to be pure nonsense. They demonstrate clearly that these "diseases" were caused by poor sanitation, bad hygiene, toxic environments, polluted drinking water, squalor, war-time psychological disorders, and of course "vaccinations" which introduce toxins into the bloodstream.
Humans still become afflicted with all those so-called "diseases", they've just been renamed over the decades, i.e. pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, hepatitis, MERS, SARS, covid-1984, etc.. One of the many "tricks of the trade".
There's nothing new under the sun.
The alternative to the "germ theory" is the long-standing "Terrain Fact". An unhealthy terrain (body/tissues/organs/blood) leads to the HEALING process we have been indoctrinated into calling "disease" and taking big pharma "medicine" in order to stall and arrest said "healing process", causing more damage down the road as we age.
Wow. Pretty interesting. I think I need to get myself read up on this Terrain Fact idea. It's sad that these con artists lie to us across so many industries. Economics is where I've put a lot of focus, Just lie after lie.
check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prwCMLg49yY
Its kind of a hit piece cuz they dont let him answer any of the experts questions but they cant really hide the truth that everything weve been told is a lie since this man did everything the wrong way supposedly and cured himself of incurable illnesses (supposedly incurable)
Holy shit that is sickening. lol. But I don't immediately dismiss it. But damn! Gross! Interesting though. Would you/have you ever tried that??
It applies to all our major institutions. We live in an inverted reality. The full economic, medical and law coup was finalized in 1933 during our "bankruptcy" filed by FDR on his first day in office. The medical and legal take-over was finalized in 1938. All "educational material" you read after these dates is suspect, which is why I prefer the pre-1930 materials. Once the financial system was hijacked, only those people and organizations who supported the inversion were supported, financed, upheld, lauded in the media, etc. Those opposed to the dominant narrative were de-licensed, smeared, careers destroyed and unable to acquire money for research. See the stories of Royal Rife, Wilhelm Reich and Gaston Naessans for evidence of this in the medical arena.
Enjoy your research!
have you seen this Law Doc? https://miepbos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/email-prik-2019.pdf
Don't like to click on downloadable .pdfs.
Can you paste pertinent content?
here ya go https://newagora.ca/interview-with-a-retired-vaccine-researcher/
Aajonus Vondeprlanitz. His bibliography including the newsletters is basically all we need to reverse all disease he was killed before he started researching herb remedies thoroughly which would improve and even possibly provide more healing potential treatments with natural methods that are health giving. The likelihood of bacteria being the cause of disease is unlikely given 90-99% of the body is bacteria. They isolate stuff like ecoli and blame that for people being sick but they fail to realize that ecoli is actually part of digestion. Viruses are healthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj1IwJA8Cs, antibiotics are pure poison along with 99.99% of medicine since the human body is 90-99% bacteria so as he says 99% of the time do the opposite of what medical experts recommend and you will be ok. He says viruses are actually necessary once all the bacteria that digests is compromised so the idea that they are dangerous is totally insane because its actually leading to more deaths and illness since those who accumulate toxins cannot be rid of them as their digestive potential is reduced.