posted ago by ThinQ ago by ThinQ +210 / -0

Firstly, credit to CountryState_of_Mind for providing the video in his/her post, here:


The video is a speech he gave at a restaurant a couple days ago, just under forty minutes. At around 13:40 he begins talking about a rough timeline. To paraphrase he says there will maybe be a readiness in 2022, to pay attention to HR-1 (the bill that passed the house), he’s not sure they’ll be ready by 2022, but knows they’ll be ready by 2024. He’s speaking here of the political environment, but did not mention the presidency here - he was speaking of other governmental positions and civic involvement.

At around 14:49 he says “2022 is like a cliff that this country is on”. He goes on to mention the word “BURIED” more than once, stresses it. Refer to Q-Post #2001.

“To preserve the Republic- (Some) things must remain BURIED.”

Here’s QP2001... https://qposts.online/?q=2001&s=postnum Look at other posts with “buried” that refer to General Flynn.

At around 15:10 (and through about 15:48) he starts off with “we are at this sort of precipice...”, talks about being in a massive transition period in this country and then segues into Abraham Lincoln’s strategy and how admirable it was. He mentions how AL said he was not going to arrest every political leader (in the south) nor all the (southern) generals. General Flynn then goes on to say “I want the word to get out that we are going to unify the nation. This is the United States of America. Let’s unify this country.

The way I heard this is that we probably should not expect to see the military swoop in and round up the traitors, but that a lot of activity will be going on behind the scenes. From everything I’m seeing, the patriots are in control and nothing he said contradicts this. If you think of it, going in and decimating/gutting the government to put POTUS back, publicly, in his rightful place would lead to a whole lot of havoc, perhaps civil war, and a world of very serious issues for all of the American people. If you pick off the traitors one-by-one (resignations, not running in 2022, etc), they can fill in the gaps as they go along.

Then again, “deception is necessary “ and the military could swoop in and do a coup. Very doubtful imho. I would also guess - or hope may be more accurate - that there are certain “red lines” which the current “DC residents”must not cross without patriots’ self-control being broken. That’s exactly what the DS wants and I’m hoping the white hats are in control and can manage this balance.

These are just my opinions with admittedly limited understanding of the drops, etc. so, feel free to do what you do.... research/dig, agree, disagree, etc., but whatever you do, don’t go dooming over this. I think it was likely the good General was giving us hope and an update, perhaps some guidance on how we can help.

And, yes, we do pray for General Flynn, President Trump, all the other good souls working the front lines of this effort - every single day.