Someone on here had a theory months ago that the reason they'd give a vaccine to only the compliant is because they will release an actually DEADLY version of COVID without announcing it. Then the noncompliant die off. Kinda genius.
When I was a kid, we never even heard of other kids having cancer, much less dying from it. Now for the the past 20 years we've had two major hospitals, St. Judes and Shriners, begging for money on commercials on a regular basis. As a kid I had two inoculations: Smallpox and polio. By the mid 1990s, kids were being given numerous shots by the time they were 2 years old, accompanied by a notable increase in autism, allergies, asthma and other previously rare of unheard of conditions. I suspect cancer is also a byproduct of those vaccinations.
Sad thing is most people think that Hitler said that because he was bragging and not because he was explaining why people don't believe what he is saying about the opposition.
I honestly think Bill Gates is saying that if we make people feel safe, they are less likely to have kids.
“Evolutionary theory predicts that if you are a mammal growing up in a harsh, unpredictable environment where you are susceptible to disease and might die young, then you should follow a "fast" reproductive strategy - grow up quickly, and have offspring early and close together so you can ensure leaving some viable progeny before you become ill or die. For a range of animal species there is evidence that this does happen. Now research suggests that humans are no exception.”
I guess this is right there with Darwin and they want to exploit this to make people have less kids. Might be an honorable goal to them but kids are such a joy, make them an investment instead of a hazard to the environment.
Yup, this is exactly what he is saying. The quote is from a 2010 TED talk by Gates where he argues that overpopulation can be managed by keeping people alive through vaccine programs in the third world, which would lead people in the third world to have less kids. So really, he was arguing that vaccines save lives and not the vaccines should be used to kill off people. For the record I think that argument by Gates is dubious at best.
However, I must admit to being a bit dumbfounded regarding the heavy anti-vax conspiracies in this forum. Aren't we Donald Trump supporters? Don't we believe that Donald Trump wants what is best for us? Don't we infact believe that Donald Trump is trying to SAVE us? Well, Donald Trump made Operation Warp Speed. Donald Trump talks about vaccines at every rally he does. Didn't Trump just this past week get mad about Xiden getting praise for the vaccines which should rightfully be lavished on Trump instead? Donald Trump is pro-vaccines, period. I have written a lot of posts now stating that Trump is pro-vaccines and people don't like to hear it, but nobody is ever able to refute it.
African women have many more children than they wish because of the risk of several of them dying from diseases. As monstrous as Gates is, that's what he meant. Don't blame me for being intellectually honest.
It's OK... If I get to choose that 15%.
Hint: Bill Gates would be among them.
Well the only people I know getting the “”vaccines”” are Democrats - literally eating their own.
Someone on here had a theory months ago that the reason they'd give a vaccine to only the compliant is because they will release an actually DEADLY version of COVID without announcing it. Then the noncompliant die off. Kinda genius.
Why is this man, correction - monster- not in front of the Nuremberg courts?
The team he plays for runs the world.
When I was a kid, we never even heard of other kids having cancer, much less dying from it. Now for the the past 20 years we've had two major hospitals, St. Judes and Shriners, begging for money on commercials on a regular basis. As a kid I had two inoculations: Smallpox and polio. By the mid 1990s, kids were being given numerous shots by the time they were 2 years old, accompanied by a notable increase in autism, allergies, asthma and other previously rare of unheard of conditions. I suspect cancer is also a byproduct of those vaccinations.
And also the food we eat. That is another big one that leads to long term health effects
Fake gentile names... wake up people, these are bloodlines
Stop noticing, goy.
Oy vey. The goyim know. Shut it down!
Liberal logic is people have less kids when times are easy.
Turns out its ok to mass murder people as long as u use nice verbiage.
Holy cow, never saw that Hitler quote before. No wonder the democrats were so brazen about stealing the election!
Sad thing is most people think that Hitler said that because he was bragging and not because he was explaining why people don't believe what he is saying about the opposition.
I'd like to s e him vaccinated...from the human race.
I honestly think Bill Gates is saying that if we make people feel safe, they are less likely to have kids.
“Evolutionary theory predicts that if you are a mammal growing up in a harsh, unpredictable environment where you are susceptible to disease and might die young, then you should follow a "fast" reproductive strategy - grow up quickly, and have offspring early and close together so you can ensure leaving some viable progeny before you become ill or die. For a range of animal species there is evidence that this does happen. Now research suggests that humans are no exception.”
I guess this is right there with Darwin and they want to exploit this to make people have less kids. Might be an honorable goal to them but kids are such a joy, make them an investment instead of a hazard to the environment.
Yup, this is exactly what he is saying. The quote is from a 2010 TED talk by Gates where he argues that overpopulation can be managed by keeping people alive through vaccine programs in the third world, which would lead people in the third world to have less kids. So really, he was arguing that vaccines save lives and not the vaccines should be used to kill off people. For the record I think that argument by Gates is dubious at best.
However, I must admit to being a bit dumbfounded regarding the heavy anti-vax conspiracies in this forum. Aren't we Donald Trump supporters? Don't we believe that Donald Trump wants what is best for us? Don't we infact believe that Donald Trump is trying to SAVE us? Well, Donald Trump made Operation Warp Speed. Donald Trump talks about vaccines at every rally he does. Didn't Trump just this past week get mad about Xiden getting praise for the vaccines which should rightfully be lavished on Trump instead? Donald Trump is pro-vaccines, period. I have written a lot of posts now stating that Trump is pro-vaccines and people don't like to hear it, but nobody is ever able to refute it.
no but youre missing context - idiots.
Go on...
Just mean NPC's parrot the programming
Darwin, a eugenicist? Really?
I'd think they would want to reduce it TO 15%
African women have many more children than they wish because of the risk of several of them dying from diseases. As monstrous as Gates is, that's what he meant. Don't blame me for being intellectually honest.
Was Adolph talking about people like Gates though?