Okay, so I was exposed with two people who has the virus. I was with these people for 2 days. They were already coughing and not feeling good, (but thought it was just a cold.) one was tested postitive for covid as she got worse and the other one tested positive as well for covid.....so then I had to go get tested. I came back negative and was negative for the antibodies as well. Could my immune system be able to fight the virus without needing the antibodies? If this is the case, and I am sure there's many others out there like me, why in the world would I take the vaccination when my body can already fight it on its own?
Same goes with the flu. I have never got that either....and have never gotten the flu shot to prevent it. In fact, I heard of people becoming very sick after taking the flu shot.
This is where I think your own self should be the one making the decisions of what's best for ourselves. We know ourselves better than anyone else. I become very leery when the government, who knows how to line their own pockets far better than helping its own citizens, tells me what they think is 'best for me.'
Yes, common cold cause same t-cell defense. You're healthy, stay away from vax and keep it that way.
lol like the immune system? Your body will make a defense. Give it everything it needs to make the army necessary.
Hope these help. I'm a skeptic but I acknowledge the cold and flu season in real. The best defense is a healthy body. Food is medicine. Avoid refined carbohydrates, added sugar and vegetable oils. Make sure you're getting enough magnesium and potassium EACH DAY and if you cannot, supplement with them until you perfect your diet to the best of your ability.
Vitamin C from whole foods like cherries will work in your body unlike the fake vitamin c called ascorbic acid - https://www.youtube.com/c/DrEricBergDC/search?query=vitamin%20c
Also add vitamin D to the list! Majority of the population is low in vitamin D.
Yes BUT if supplementing with D you have to also take K and magnesium or else cause you will drive calcium into soft tissues.
How to Increase Your Absorption of Vitamin D - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zqatJkyhPU
And when NOT to take supplemental vitamin D - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvA-wpmuaCI
Thank you so much for the links!
I agree. I have worked for an international airport this whole pandemic. I have literally came in close proximity with thousands of people and physical contact with thousands of pieces of luggage and never got sick. Some people just have stronger immune systems. I have never gotten the flu shot either, who knows, that could be the common denominator.
After a flu shot 36% higher chance of developing covid -19. That came out of a study conducted among military in the US.
Outside of all the good advice you've gotten already, this made me think of ancient times... like during the Black Plague. There were plenty of people who took care of the sick, removed the dead, etc. who never got sick themselves. Whether that was from good genes, good nutrition, good hygiene, or something else I don't know, but there was some outlying reason.
There was i think a (BBC) documentary about an entire English village that the majority lived through the plague and they tested the ancestors and 60% of the village had a gene that prevented viruses from attacking into white cells.
There was a gay man in America as part of the same doc who lost hundred of gay friends to aids in the 80s and never got it himself. He had the same gene. If your ancestors came through the plague theres a chance you have the gene.
I remember learning something in grad school about how the way that our immune system is set up, no single disease could kill the entire population. Thought that was pretty neat.
Yep. What about combining a couple, like they do in Wuhan? Or what Analschwab is preaching.
I have no idea, my comment was the extent of my knowledge on the subject lol
Yup, I know doc with same experience.
Plus, who really knows what they’re testing for since everything I’ve read says they haven’t isolated Covid Sars2. CDC lists PIC (pneumonia, influenza & covid type (if memory serves), for “covid” stays, so .., there’s that.
You’re a healthy person whose body beat a virus, great! Their tests ... not so great!
You will be fine, and the off chance you get sick, you will recover. Don't believe the narrative. 99.98% recovery rate.
Coronavirus is just a cold, or perhaps more precisely, what people call "a cold" is caused by a coronavirus (not SARS-cov-2 but one of the relatives of it).
The antibody test looks for a "lock and key" with the spike protein. But a real virus is a 3-D shape with multiple surface proteins and other molecules attached. In general an antibody will match to any possible structure the real virus coat can make. For instance, it could match to part of a spike protein and part of another spike protein and/or some area of the surface in between. Note: I am not 100% certain of the shape and dimensions of the surface of SARS-cov-2 because I haven't really looked into it (don't care) but this is how it works in general. An Ab can match to any part of the viral body surface. You could have such antibodies from previous exposure (or this exposure).
So if you don't match to the spike protein, that doesn't mean you don't match to the virus. It CAN mean that, but it doesn't necessarily mean that.
It's also possible that an Ab for some other coronavirus is a sufficient match that it causes an immune response.
It could also mean that you encountered it, but it couldn't take hold because you are not vitamin deficient and your cells just fought it off. It could even be some genetic reason, like a slightly different ACE-2 protein structure that decreases binding with SARS-cov-2.
TL;DR Yes.
The most evil part of all of this is making everyone mask or vaccinate for someone else OR ELSE. If you don't protect yourself and other people, we'll kill you!
That's why you didn't get sick.
Everybody I talked to over the last year that gotten C19 had previously received a flu shot. I have yet to find anyone that never received the flu shot that get C19.
Yes, I think it's quite possible.
Don't forget selenium
T and B cells far outlast the antibodies and give essential immunity after prior Covid infection. I tested negative for antibodies 2 months after I had covid. preliminary data suggest T cell immunity will last at least 4-7 years and even after would likely block one from having a moderate-severe case to covid. Issue is the mutation pressures the vaccine may cause on the virus will likely create variants adapted to bypassing that immunity for us and vaccinated people which is the main issue I have with this vaccination campaign.
Yes. lol