Haha, I was with him for a second, as I was on voat a while, and I love hating it ... but I have to admit I cannot argue with you. I have been calling everyone in the NE corridor a Nazi for a solid three years, as the punchline to any joke I can make.
Thanks for speaking up on behalf of millions of Trump voters
Whoa just realized that this is the same guy that is supposedly playing the role of actor Joe Bidan. It really DOES look like him!
Please, go save us!
standard nazitard reply. I remember you assholes from voat.
no a nazi is someone who would force experimental vaccines upon the populace
a juden is one who would try to trick the populace into taking them as a 'ticket to freedom'
i am neither
a nazi is someone who would forcefully go door-to-door and remove weapons from the populace
a juden would try to pass endless laws and regulations prohibiting weapons from good people, while allowing bad people easy access to them
i am neither
Swap "patriarchy" and "white supremacy" for "Jews" and it's the same fake woke bullshit. Stop being a victim.
Haha, I was with him for a second, as I was on voat a while, and I love hating it ... but I have to admit I cannot argue with you. I have been calling everyone in the NE corridor a Nazi for a solid three years, as the punchline to any joke I can make.
You are spot on.
you are a dumbass shill looking to incite violence. Why don't you do something yourself instead of trying to get others to do it for you.
Then you are just a hand wringing mouth that sits on their ass and talks shit.
Why don't you just FO and go somewhere where you are needed because its not here...
well, what I was responded too was deleted, and downvoted 22 times, so I guess I was right.
also don't be a faggot, it is fuck off, save FO for places like reddit
What the fuck you talking about. That's all they fear. Us letting loose. And they accused us of it either way.