Amen. I did the same and left, being extremely disappointed in the entire company I invested over a year of energy into. We are blesseв we can afford to walk away. Most people are actual slaves and will keep working with a muzzle on no matter the extent of the humiliation and unamericanness. I pray that more and more people find the strength, the courage, and the support to stand up and say no to this slavery, abuse, and crimes against humanity. And their fake money.
Amen. I did the same and left, being extremely disappointed in the entire company I invested over a year of energy into. We are blesseв we can afford to walk away. Most people are actual slaves and will keep working with a muzzle on no matter the extent of the humiliation and unamericanness. I pray that more and more people find the strength, the courage, and the support to stand up and say no to this slavery, abuse, and crimes against humanity. And their fake money.
Amen! Thanks brother. God Bless you all the way! Let's win this fight. We have to.