Fascinating, so it seems certain... "mycins" are effective against COVID-19. Would that mean that the pneumonia is caused by a bacterial infection? I'm not a doctor or anything, just trying to put 2+2 together and understand what's really going on here.
Some antibiotics are known to have anti-viral effects as well. This is for example the case of azythromycyn. In this case, it seems clarithromycin is more efficient than azythromycyn.
Fascinating, so it seems certain... "mycins" are effective against COVID-19. Would that mean that the pneumonia is caused by a bacterial infection? I'm not a doctor or anything, just trying to put 2+2 together and understand what's really going on here.
Some antibiotics are known to have anti-viral effects as well. This is for example the case of azythromycyn. In this case, it seems clarithromycin is more efficient than azythromycyn.