Covid passport!?
Everyone step back and take a deep breath. Check your emotions and use logic. We are watching a movie, right? How many still half asleep will take the red pill because of this? The goal is to have the majority of the masses awakened at some level. Haven't you've noticed how ridiculous things have gotten? Itll only get stranger from here. So frens, pull up them britches, slap yourself once or twice and use logic over emotion with EVERYTHING.
Peace and Love
Not trying to be a dooming dick head but since I work in Seattle. The sheer level of excitement for these dumbasses who’ve celebrated getting the shot and are looking forward to extra protections of vaccine passports is frightening. There is no waking some of these people up.
You are right. It's the same in massachusetts. And while OP maybe right to a degree look how easily the country accepted freedom losses after 911 with the patriot act and the airports. I still remember how profound the changes were: I was 21 at the time.
Yeah these things have to be actively opposed. Any business that uses them needs to be sued 100 times over by every patron denied. Should have happened with the masks
Saw a fag wearing a mask that said "I got my shot"... asked why he was wearing the mask then???? He literally told me because the shot won't stop me from spreading covid even though I can't catch it from someone else? There was a line of people we were in Nd every person there laughed and mocked him. This was in vegas so many of those people were from red states that were open. I can't catch it but I can spread it? You people are fucking RETARDS. also my nurse sister and sister in law both got the shots, both currently incapacitated cor the past 10 ndays. Dizzy, vomiting, body aches, double vision, breathing difficulties. Neither will admit the shot did it. Fuck em.
This exact story describes the —almost— unbelievable level of downright stupidity I witness daily. To think these people actually hold jobs and sometimes even important ones.
As for your family members, sorry fren even with retarded family it still sucks. Stay strong and always be that lighthouse showing lost souls the way.
It’s virtue signaling now - I keep seeing people walking alone in the rain masked - it’s so depressing- they’re so smug about it - ??♂️