My background is Jewish. I know that my religion has been heavily infiltrated by Khazarians such as the Rothschilds.
However, I’ve been finding myself aligning more with the teachings of Christ. Is Judaism wrong or is Christianity wrong? There has to be a definitive answer, right? This Great Awakening is really making me question my own beliefs and specifically my thoughts around Jesus Christ.
Only you can find the answer. You will not find it from anyone else. Listen to your heart and what you know or have experienced. Trust your instincts. That’s all I can say.
Nothing but this^^^^^°°°
Wow, this is an age old question, fren. No one can tell you what you should believe, especially with religion and spirituality.
The only advice I can or will offer is that for me personally religious dogma is wrong. All dogma. All rites, customs, laws and codes are details designed to keep us separated.
For me I am spiritual. I have my beliefs but are more generalized and non-denominational. I see the value in many different ideas and philosophies from all kinds of religions and belief systems and I incorporate what I feel is true and disregard the rest. Again, my ideas NOT telling anyone they have to follow.
The western civilization that we're trying to save did not get this way by accident. It wasn't formed this way from spiritual people who mixed and matched from different religions. It was formed by and large by Christians. Food for thought. For the record, I'd take people like you over "scientific atheists." But I think people like you take for granted how much your own morality is shaped by growing up in a Christian society shaped by Christian morality.
Oh, definitely to be sure. AND my religious view would be considered Christian.
However, growing up going to Christian churches me and my family witnessed a lot of hypocrisy from "Jesus loving people."
So I would be most associated with Jesus but I stand by my belief that I don't subscribe to any denomination. The Bible -- Revelation -- speaks of Jesus returning and chastizing the twelve churches, finding them lacking.
They’re both right. Jewish beliefs are Old Testament, Christian is New Testament. Simplistic view, but a general overview.
if you ask me the old testament and the new testament picture a very different god
The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob is the focus in the Ild Testament. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are the focus of the new. Together you have the Triune God. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
They are the same, God is always long suffering, God has always viewed the elect through Christ sacrifice, whether before Christ lived on earth or after. God is not bound like man to time, he is (as would seem to man) slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness. Considering our sins deserve the worst of punishments. Jesus speaks most about hell, and says he comes to bring sword not peace, that by him families will be rent asunder. To those who do not believe, the gospel message will offend, to those whose eyes are opened, as the men who walked with Jesus shortly after his resurrection, their hearts burned within as they talked along the way. Pray that the Holy Spirit does the same to you as you hear the whole word of God, both OT & NT.
I would say to really look into Messianic Judaism and . I spent a long time doing the vague new age/spiritual "everyone has their own path" method. It sounds great but under serious scrutiny I don't believe it holds up. I would recommend One For Israel Ministries for information on first angle. Also people like Steven Bancarz or Alisa Childers who do a great job breaking down the modern/new age interpretation of Jesus and Christianity and highlighting what I feel are irreconcilable flaws.
Like others here have said, nobody can or should try and push their beliefs on others, but to say any path is valid is quite a leap. I hope you take the time to really give it a shot.
You have been blessed. Press in to the New Testament. Take time to listen to an inner voice, the Holy Spirit of God. Then, you will have what you need to make your life decision. It is a journey, my friend.
As others said, the best principles of Judaism and Christianity are not in conflict. In another sense they're both wrong, because nobody's perfect and we still need to let go of trappings that attach themselves to the truth. Most Jews don't want to talk about Jesus because they know they've given him a hard time and they're waiting for the Jewish leaders to signal that it's okay to admit Jesus is the best Messiah candidate they've ever had. Most Christians don't want to talk about Jews because they know they've never studied the Old Testament and the mitzvoth and have no idea how to answer exaggerated concerns that touching a football is a capital offense and they're waiting for the Christian leaders to signal that it's okay to do Jewish cultural things like rest starting on Friday night as their own Ten Commandments say. The definitive harmony is yet to come but the awakening is hastening the realization of that harmony.
Jesus will speak to you in the Old and New Testaments and in your spirit. Of course you're invited to c/Christianity where we do our best to answer these questions in detail, but more important commit to pursue the Creator wherever he leads and he will guide you into all truth.
Weeeeell. The important principles of Christianity, a lot of them are not incompatible with Judaism. Messianic Judaism, I think, would still be fine.
But there are two things you need to KNOW for your ticket to heaven. The rest is good, but more or less window dressing.
With those two truths, you are saved. That doesn’t mean go and be any old kinda jerk you want. You should probably show some kind of humility and gratitude. Maybe try to live how He would want you to, but you will be saved from damnation, which is a pretty big deal.
Neither Judaism nor Christianity is wrong, fren. Remember, Jesus (Yeshua) was a Jew. He came to fulfill Jewish scripture. Both Judaism and Christianity embrace the Old Testament. They share much in common. This isn't necessarily an either/or question. You don't have to give up one to believe in the other. There is nothing wrong with learning about Christianity, so I invite you to do so.
May I suggest you start with the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These four books form the basis of the New Testament.
If you can, try to find the above gospel texts in "The Daily Study Bible Series" by William Barclay. They are older books that you might find in a used book store. I have found them to be excellent at explaining the text in everyday language and in manageable "bites."
You can preview part of "Mark" here:
May God bless you in your journey, fren!
Jesus was a Jew. (You probably knew that, but many Jewish people don't, especially the ones I mention later.) Messianic Jews are Christians who adhere to Jewish customs. There are a lot of great testimonies on YouTube from Jewish people who converted to Christianity and they had no idea of the history of Jesus or His lineage. I highly recommend you watch some and see if they resonate with you. I find them fascinating! Jesus is the only way to God. I firmly believe that. The Bible tells me so. :)
Your question is, as others have noted, one as old as time...please allow me to weigh in based on what I know...
The Jewish people are Gods chosen people. But we all descended from Abraham. The Christian faith as you know came from Jesus (a Jew). Thousands of years ago things were much simpler than now. People were ruled differently and less educated and the beginning was just that, the beginning.
Now we are approaching another awakening...the 3rd great awakening to be exact. This is truly a battle between God and Satan, good and evil. In a visitation from the holy spirit back in Oct 2020 one message was this.
'Humanity must unite as a family of man. Jew with Gentile must extend the hand of peace in Israel.....the 7 laws of man must be accepted for a just and moral society. A generation will be lost to this battle. The Amekalites have preyed on the weak, old, exhausted and tortured from generation to generation. A war upon them is upon you'
Now not being Jewish myself, I had to get a Torah and do some homework but the real reason I brought this up here is because God wants, no commands that Jew and Gentile unite in this battle. The 7 laws of man come from the Torah...10 Commandments from the Bible...they are nearly identical if you look them up.
We are not different in Gods eyes....we are all His Children. He is currently marking us as His and those who bear the mark of the beast are already doomed. I have used both "books" throughout life as when I am given messages I must research...It has led me to be understanding of both and I truly have found very little difference between us. What I have found is God loves us and wants us to now work together and be respectful of our differences because they are fewer than you think...
Blessings fren! PS...God wins ?
Don't forget Christianity was once just another sect of Judaism. The foundations are similar. Our faith is pretty explicit that Christ didnt come to abolish the covenant of the Torah, but to simply fulfill it so a new covenant could be made.
The truth is, no one knows for sure. I suggest you believe whatever makes you feel comfortable and live a good life. In the end, if there is truly a benevolent god, i'm sure he won't punish you for such a simple thing as belief. Have good morals and treat others well.
How do you know if something is good or bad?
You listen to your inner voice, conscience, morality, whatever.
How do you know if a book or religion or doctrine is good?
You evaluate it. Ask your inner voice whats up. Do i eat this?
Then proceed from there.
What gets me is that if you already have that inner voice and always have, why do you need a book or religion or commandments or hadiths or mitzvot?
Just go with your conscience.
My better half is a Bible scholar, ex-minister, and we come from a ‘Christian’ background. He has studied Torah extensively and has come to the conclusion that a Jewish person who lives their life following YHWH to the best of their ability is spiritually fine with YHWH because Jesus/Yeshua said that he only came to reconcile the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel’ to YHWH. That doesn’t mean that you can’t follow Yeshua, anyone can, but your salvation does not necessarily depend on it. As an Israelite descendant myself (Benjamite), for me, following Yeshua means that I am a part of the Noah Covenant, Moses Covenant, and Yeshua Covenant. There are a great many blessings in this.
There are so many ‘flavors’ of Christianity and so many of those groups miss so much of the Truth of the scriptures that I would have difficulty even in suggesting a group for someone to learn from, so be careful, always study for yourself, and make your own decisions.
Ultimately, of course, the decision is each person’s (yours). I would recommend drawing near to the Father and asking for guidance. The Holy Spirit was given to us to help us and it will. Blessings to you and your search.
reading the parable of the Wheat and the Tares is a must. and the hypothetical Q Source answered a lot of this for me.
The Q Source is the common material between Matthew and Luke, but not in Mark.
Like Jesus left us a code;)
AND the Q stands for Quelle/Source in German, and Our Q has said 'we have the source', so there's lot's of interesting connections like that.
Because the Q Source/Sayings Gospel is found in two Gospels, it must be some of Jesus 'main ideas'.
and it paints a different picture of Jesus than most people are familiar with, stronger and not passive, which I'm sure many weren't happy with. perhaps some obfuscation had been taking place, as liberals are prone to do.
below is one version of the Q Source. they vary slightly depending on editor and translation used.
The Christian (Christ ones) movement started as a Jewish movement. The high ups in the Churches back then wanted to keep there power, but after Jesus started knocking over tables and calling them a snakes there reign was over. Well, unless they refused Jesus as Lord. So they did exactly that. I would in no way shape or form say that the Jewish people were wrong, I would say that they got corrupted. Go back and read the Bible with the thought process that the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus and it will make more sense. I and god love you fellow patriot and God bless.
Hear O Isreal, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind, and with all of your strength. The second is this. Love thy neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. - Jesus Christ
Judaism is wrong. They rejected Logos Incarnate.
Listen to E Michael Jones in the book/interviews about the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
My husband's mother is racially Jewish. They are all Catholic converts now.
Nothing wrong with being a Jew. But Jesus Christ was the Messiah, so you should probably check out what he had to say! :)
I open the bible I read it. Old testament new testament. They are inseparable to me.
Watch the movie...THE CASE FOR CHRIST...then you must decide for yourself. When I realized the truth of that movie, it flipped me in a day. Good luck. Jesus really does love you.
Many Christians & Jews alike will be deceived by the coming arrival of the Antichrist. Jews will think him the Messiah and even many who call themselves “born again” will be fooled. Please understand, Jesus, who was crucified 2,000 years ago was, is, and is to come: the Messiah. He was and is the fulfillment of your prophecy. I recommend studying Orthodox Christianity. On YouTube, Jay Dyer and Saime Shamoun are excellent starting points. Hurry! There isn’t much time. The Lord is nigh. ✝️
As long as you in your heart, believe that all humans are created equal and anyone who hurts kids need to suffer, its all good.
Do not worry to much about the name associated with your religion. I am also Jewish(kinda). At the least I think Jesus can be seen as another one of God's great prophets. I personally don't believe that anybody has exclusive rights towards speaking Gods message but the teachings of Jesus are some of the most important and relevant ones we have. He speaks a great message that you can try to live by and share with your neighbors and it doesn't matter your religion. Man has messed with God's word and chosen what to include in books and whatnot throughout any organized religion. If you feel like Jesus words speak truth than study up on them and try to recreate it in your life but their is no need for any kind of title change or conversion in my opinion. You get to choose where to find the light and what you want to proliferate into the world.
Keep in mind Jesus claimed not to be just a prophet, but to be God, so either he was wrong, or lying, or RIGHT.
I pray you come to know Him for who He really is. <3
So have many people. I am saying to read writings of Jesus and interpret what you think. Just because somebody says they are God doesn't mean you believe them. I was saying to me he had the greatest piece of biblical writing and to me felt most like the word of God. I just don't think that is exclusive to only 1 individual in humankind, I think that can return to another human and can be anyone to a certain level when you act in gods light.
I understand. But if you don't believe him, that he is God, why would you believe what else he says?
Also, have you ever looked into the prophecies he fulfilled, many of which were out of his control. such as birthplace, etc?
"How many coincidences do there have to be to make it mathematically impossible?" ?
I believe most users here will tell you that Jesus Christ is the Messiah for which the House of Judah has sought.
But I will take a different tact and tell you that BOTH Christianity and Judaism are made up by people trying to control the actions of others.
Try out a Bacon, Letuce, and Tomato sandwich and you'll know I am right.
Not at all. Just one beggar telling another beggar where to find Bread.