Hope is great. But. Hope is not a strategy!!!
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respectfully disagree. Its about changing your locus of control, no certainties in life but we can either be completely be right or completely played Id like to say I contributed to the resistance. Hoping doesn't really make a difference at the end of the day but their are things we can do and whether or not we like it we are soldiers in this battle.
We would be soldiers in the battle if we were fighting.Are we ? Q gave us instructions.Meme war against mainstream narration. Are we really winning now ? Maybe we shall do more - and we can still do more ! I think so !
We are fighting, the lowest common denominator here is the psychological warfare. If this was won with weapons it would already be over. They need to entrance and confuse enough of the population or else they wouldn't be able to take over or stay afloat financially. People with the bad agenda that benefit from the agenda is very small and if this was a battle of who benefits vs who losses we would win easy. The issue is that most people don't know what side they truly are on or that a war is being fought.