The explanation I heard that makes sense about the vaccines is that by making a vaccine, it takes away the power of the DS to perpetually keep us in lockdowns (at least you would think). We came to a point in our society that the anti-vaxxer label was synonymous with being an anti-science conspiracy theorist who doesn’t care about the safety of others (at least that’s how it seemed to me). Knowing this, there’s a very large portion of our population that was waiting and hoping for a vaccine as their saving grace from it. By implementing warp speed and being so vocal about it, it made it impossible for everyone to ignore since the Virus was all the media was talking about anyway. So by creating a vaccine, it took away some power from the DS of controlling the narrative. Ultimately, it’s up to the individuals to take the vaccine anyway. It is alarming knowing how dangerous it is, so maybe he was just more focused with getting it out as fast as possible without having direct oversight of the poison they’re putting in it?
The explanation I heard that makes sense about the vaccines is that by making a vaccine, it takes away the power of the DS to perpetually keep us in lockdowns (at least you would think). We came to a point in our society that the anti-vaxxer label was synonymous with being an anti-science conspiracy theorist who doesn’t care about the safety of others (at least that’s how it seemed to me). Knowing this, there’s a very large portion of our population that was waiting and hoping for a vaccine as their saving grace from it. By implementing warp speed and being so vocal about it, it made it impossible for everyone to ignore since the Virus was all the media was talking about anyway. So by creating a vaccine, it took away some power from the DS of controlling the narrative. Ultimately, it’s up to the individuals to take the vaccine anyway. It is alarming knowing how dangerous it is, so maybe he was just more focused with getting it out as fast as possible without having direct oversight of the poison they’re putting in it?
Warp Speed also created a platform for developing future vaccines so fast that DS planned future pandemics have probably been preempted.