posted ago by Greatheart ago by Greatheart +34 / -0

It looks like there may be some sort of "passport" to be able to buy/sell or do anything else for that matter. The people pushing this are very aware of what the bible says about that. They just mock the bible anyway.

If you read Revelation chapter 13 in the bible you can read about two beasts. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+13&version=ISV Here is an interesting take on that chapter. In verse 3 it says this

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

Could that fatal wound that the beast seemed to receive be the election of President Trump? This is not just about President Trump the man but what he represents.
She was supposed to win, she was crushed. Once again it is not about her but about what she represents. That election appeared to be a fatal blow to their evil plans. The bottom line is this, where the USA goes so goes the rest of the world.

Now the second beast (verse 11) takes over. (The stolen election) It looks like the second beast takes evil to a whole new level. The second beast is not political it is all the power of the world. Not just government but everything.

In Matthew 4:1-11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+4%3A1-11&version=ISV we can read the story about Jesus being tempted. Jesus fasted for 40 days and forty nights. That the end of that time when he was at his weakest point the tempter offered him all kinds of power if Jesus would just worship him. Jesus sent Satan away.

If you read that for yourself you will notice that Jesus never said Satan did not have the authority to make that offer. The question we have to consider is this. How many others were given similar offers that were accepted?

I believe that most of the people in power are in power because they accepted the offer.

If this is right then the so-called passport will happen. We will be forced to carry something now and it looks like soon thereafter we will get some sort of chip inserted. Of course, we can refuse. That may cost our lives.

Here is the interesting thing to consider. We do not know how long the mark of the beast will last. It could be just days or weeks. If you read the next chapter in Revelation which is Revelation 14


It talks about what happens after the mark. The beast and everything about the beast are gone. President Trump keeps saying "The best is yet to come" Q has said that it will be bibical. Maybe Q really means bibical.