570 Any Maricopa residents here? Emergency meeting 10am MST! They are scared! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by GODisinc0ntr0l (context) 3 years ago by GODisinc0ntr0l +570 / -0 111 comments download share 111 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The proverbial digested food is about to hit the electric rotating air circulation unit. Kek
A better term than "digested food" is "organic fertilizer"... you're welcome.
I'm from Mississippi and have a limited vocabulary but thank you! I will amend my comment hence forth! Kek
In from North East Ms. Where are you?
Big city of Lake------in between Jackson and Meridian on I20
You can have your remain turned into organic fertilizer. How high???