and proceed to conquer and dominate all other authoritarian governments on Earth?
Enforcing a hard money, decentralized banking, capitalist / democratically duly elected societies in all corners of man?
Putin is a reasonable man, and ultimately I believe he wanted to keep his country out of the hands of the corrupt
Consider the scale of firepower / Western tech we are discussing
I think I have come to the conclusion that this is the true plan and would like to know if other anons have arrived to a similar point.
What happens past this momentary enforcement is anyones guess, but I hope it would essentially Westernise as much of the world as possible, and rekindle honest democracy? When you think about it, much of the rest of the world has emulated the West in some way, and to think that Allied nations would aid their full transition through potential partnership, anything is possible
Really, what nations stand a chance to a truly Allied West apart from NK and China?