It is well known that vitamin D levels are critical to health. The point is the governments knew telling you to "stay indoors" was going to be bad for you. Knew.

I dont remember them saying stay indoors as far as I know they said stay home. You can still go in your yard or balcony.
Most extreme liberals I know took "stay at home" to mean "STAY INSIDE"... one of our neighbors emerged from a 12 month lockdown with their kids. They had hair down to the middle of their backs and were pale AF. In my neighborhood of about 120 families, I think we noticed that about 10% were extreme MSM'ers... (face shields, masks on to get the mail, gloves on, BLM signs, Biden signs...)
Interesting observation - these mole people were also the same people to announce that they all had COVID with extreme symptoms.
Only one other family (normal people) had a case of CV19, and it was limited to ONLY their teenage son who spends his days watching MSNBC/CNN, he left the house 1x in 12 months and "Got COVID" twice.
These people have 0% Vitamin D, little or no fresh air, and are recycling mask-air constantly.
The lockdown caused illnesses.
Sadly, the overwhelming majority of people don’t have those