War is Peace - came true: Only by tolerating the destruction of your culture are you left alone (cancel culture/hate crime)
Freedom is Slavery - came true: Only by supplication to tyranny are you permitted to move. (vaccine passport/mask mandates)
Ignorance is Strength - came true: Only those oblivious to their bondage and stupidity have the naive motivation to participate. (clown world/fake news)
Huxley admitted his work was not that of science fiction but what the elite were actually planning.
I read this recently from 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati:
"Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World as a picture of things that were to come --most people think as a expose, but it was really more as a plan or blueprint Aldous Huxley and Alice (Astor) did a great deal of occult things together"
Huxley was orwell's french teacher at eaton
Yeah both Huxley and Orwell were protege of the Fabian socialists (which is the cabal)
ive been reading "tragedy and hope" fucking thick as a brick and mind blowing.
Wooooah! Dunno enough to disprove this, but it has the ring of truth to me. Intellectuals always keep each other's company.
orwells real name is eric blair.
Astor was one of the 2 rich families blocking the reinstallment of the Federal Reserve System back in the US in the early 1900s. Only when John Jacob Astor “died” on the Titanic along with Isidor Straus were the cabal able to push the FED thru again.
If you haven’t seen the Titanic conspiracy documentary, watch it. Don’t read any msm debunking bs before, just watch it.
If you don’t know the tie that binds all assassinated presidents together, it’s the FED. Why did they try to kill Andrew Jackson 12 times? The FED.
Many Secret Societies were not apart of the cabal originally, they were taken over slowly thru the years and many members that were apart of them, like Orwell, publicly condemned the plans and is why he penned the novel.
Did you know Huxley was involved with CIA Operation MK Ultra?
really? Did he happen to explain why the C_A of all entities would have it in their archives?
I always assume this but never heard that before. Where’d you hear that?
orwell wrote 1984 but he also was elite fam like huxley
Orwell, not Huxley. Huxley was Brave New World.
Hahaha well aware guy