posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +165 / -0

Several possible reasons for the evergiven incident have been proposed now:

  1. Child trafficking bust?
  2. Secret nukes/chem weps for use in Netherlands?
  3. Stealth sub hunting?
  4. 5g enabled chem weps designed to impact climate change

Now this last one intrigued me deeply, as it explains soooo many observations made on this forum, and what little data can be gleaned from what is and is not reported by the media:

  • the "mossad" tugs always being around evergiven
  • the odd ship activity the past few days in bitter lake
  • the odd activity of cabalites re turkey
  • the planned shift in narrative that CNN was suggesting to climate change
  • the odd resurgence stories right after lockdowns start easing globally.
  • why the usmil (nationalist force, not controlled by rotus) russian navy (nationalist force) and the 4 nations mentioned were all where they were, and what they likely are assisting with from a intel view.

Option 4: Economic effects on the cabal

If this was as described, the follow impacts to the global cabal economically were achieved:

  1. Lost trade revenue for all chinese shipping to europe, impact market stability and direct revenues of global agents.
  2. Loss of all assets associated to the purported chemical climate change plan, thus a loss of potentially 30 billion outright in investment, and the death of the related money schemes reliant on those assets. If true, this will be basically a growth driver that becomes immediately lost capital and a lot of it. 30 years development of this stuff implies a lot of money was just burned in situ.. Huge, and a potentially crippling economic haymaker, if true.. This wouldn't be a mere "slap in the face of the cabal" , it would be a kick to the cojones outright.
  3. Minimum 1 billion fine for damages to the suez (Aside - zeus backwards, just realised, probably nothing but might lead to a new rabbit hole).
  4. The general average call means the fine is distributed among cargo owners, and the ship owner can force the cost outwards. This implies the gates money machine will be on the hook for that as well if the theory is true.

Ancillary Cabal Impacts

Presuming option 4 is the best fit, as to me it seems plausible as any theory so far, it also means:

  • turkish local tv media is more reliable and better informed of global events now than any MSM source
  • The cabal is losing/has lost influence over Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, and apparently Israeli military forces. THIS IS NOT TRIVIAL.. Turkey, Egypt, and Israel are three of the major militaries in the region, and i have never heard of those three arab states working with Israel at all. Historically, Israel has been at war or on hostile footing with Egypt, so to see this is insane, and pretty bloody unprecedented too.
  • There is a high probability that the US mil and Russian mil are working in collaboration to support the primary nations involved in this operation. Both were in the region (russia in the med, 5th fleet in red sea, coalition of nationalists in the suez).

TL/DR: the world isn't just watching. Its fighting back, and hard. Trust the plan, NCSWIC.