How was it different than the flu? It wasnt in any way. Every symptom of wuflu can also be attributed to the flu. They used gaslighting to make you believe it was different.
im inclined to agree. If there was no talk of covid at all and people had this "weird flu" they would literally just say that the flu but they see covid splashed all over their tvs so they are like omg i must have had that.
There was a weird sickness floating around January-March of last year, with plenty of anecdotes from people on .wins.
It seemed different enough from the flu, but the stories also seemed to trickle off around april.
So I think it was something originally, but it probably mutated into nothing, or we reached herd immunity.
How was it different than the flu? It wasnt in any way. Every symptom of wuflu can also be attributed to the flu. They used gaslighting to make you believe it was different.
im inclined to agree. If there was no talk of covid at all and people had this "weird flu" they would literally just say that the flu but they see covid splashed all over their tvs so they are like omg i must have had that.