Not Dooming But Does Anyone Else Feel War is Imminent Unless Trump and Patriots Succeed?
? B O O M ! ?
Biden is very rapidly becoming a tyrant. Courts are gonna be packed, new "AFT" pick is also a tyrant and huge anti gunner, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are spilling across our border. These are very dark days for our nation. I want to wage holy war against these wicked evil people.
If, by some chance, Trump and the Patriots do NOT succeed, things are most definitely going to get much, much uglier. It's my personal belief that the only reason we haven't had civil war already is because enough people have heard about Q and are Trusting the Plan, but 2A is, in my opinion, going to be the very final straw. The day these people start going door-to-door to confiscate weapons--if this actually goes that far--is going to be the day that the righteous, perfectly-controlled anger of our men (and women, but God help the fool who truly threatens a Godly man's castle) is going to be finally unleashed in all its fury against all that has happened up to this point. The same people who are Awake enough to "trust the plan" are ALSO Awake enough to understand what happens next if they get our guns.
Patriots are not "spoilin' for a fight", but there's only so much more we will be able to take before the tinder is finally lit. "If they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
Keep praying that the good guys win before that point, because this will be a very difficult cat to put back in the bag.
I don't think anyone really wants a civil war. The last thing anyone wants to do is raise arms against their fellow country men. However it is getting difficult when a good chunk are mindless drones of the state.
Wrong. China woild love a cival war.
Let's win it swiftly then and bring it to them next.