Some people think he might just be a pervert with a needle poking fetish. It could be as simple as that. Every woman rejected him growing up, he retreated into isolation and sexual perversion, and then waved his fist at womankind. “One day you will love me! One day I will be the richest most powerful man and then you will see! Then you will all love me! I will make you love me!” And so now he wants to force his “needle” into every woman on Earth. So for me it is hard to separate Bill Gates the man from Bill Gates the body, just because he is so physically repulsive. Like his entire demeanour, his voice, his looks - he’s central casting for Repulsive Odious Nerd.
The physical appearance is completely different, but the philosophy sure is similar. I think it's pretty obvious that Thanos was meant to get a certain amount of sympathy from audiences.
He's a farmed human because he hasn't had to fend for himself.
Now he's projecting and wants to domesticate us wild humans.
He also suffers from Dunning-Kruger, he's not clever enough to know that he isn't clever.
Some people think he might just be a pervert with a needle poking fetish. It could be as simple as that. Every woman rejected him growing up, he retreated into isolation and sexual perversion, and then waved his fist at womankind. “One day you will love me! One day I will be the richest most powerful man and then you will see! Then you will all love me! I will make you love me!” And so now he wants to force his “needle” into every woman on Earth. So for me it is hard to separate Bill Gates the man from Bill Gates the body, just because he is so physically repulsive. Like his entire demeanour, his voice, his looks - he’s central casting for Repulsive Odious Nerd.
I don't know about you but I think Bill is an FtM and Melinda is an MtF.
He's the prototype for Thanos. I wonder why the far left actors in those movies never recognized their character's connection to real people.
The physical appearance is completely different, but the philosophy sure is similar. I think it's pretty obvious that Thanos was meant to get a certain amount of sympathy from audiences.
Gates wants to play God.
I have determined the worse the human is, as an actor, the evil roles are the easiest for them...their true self is revealed..