Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
Critiquing grammar on a forum. Subvert and off topic, mean while providing the same need for said grammar critiquing. There is your clarity.
Back to the question. Explain Precession (not defined intentionally) from a flat earther perspective. I am all ears. Since you missed the rest of it, explain Precession in relation to solar, celestial and sky calculated and predictable movements. There I simplified it for you. Expecting no answer as all, 1st prediction, grammatical analysis by you, 2nd prediction, whimsical Wiki reference with crayon sketch showing how Precession could exist in the TRUE Flat Earth, 3rd prediction. Or you over achieve and do all 3 with some additional nonsense to circumvent the question and talking point.
I'll just keep it simple.. there's no photographs of earth from space. There's no photographs of earth from space. There's no PHOTOGRAPHS of earth from space. Synge that into your head until you understand why it is 100% reasonable to believe the earth is indeed flat. 4x4=16 but also 1,160-1,144=16 also. All the calculable math and predictions in lieu to precession or any other event could indeed be reimagined for the flat earth, being those formulas and equations were built off of each other's assumptions. You must understand how a university full of students acting as a think tank works right? Assume X, find Y for your assignment, show your work! They are all just theories stacked upon each other, mathematically agreeing with each other so they all seem true. It is now a labyrinth of work to be undone, and slowly it will be. Your continued mascot of science is the god forsaken NASA unfortunately, and they will continue feeding globers information that "adds up", however their credibility is laughable and anyone who believes anything they say are fools. Perhaps you'll see the sea on a calm sunny day, when the water appears like glass and it's easy to tell there's no curve.
You kept that very simple alright. Simply incoherent as expected. Photographs, photographs, photographs. Your thought process is so tied to modern wiki education it is laughable. Space and photographs have nothing to do with precession, its existence or anything relative to the matter. If you kept it simple you should simply say, shucks I dont know what precession really is. Nevermind. Kick a can back to the popsicle stand get a popsicle. It is not a re-imaginable event, this flimsy try hard double down explanation is the precipice of why the entire idea and proposed theories behind the absurd flat earth idea falls on its ass at every single level, angle and corner. BTW precession was utilized 1000s of years prior to photographs photographs photographs, um google earth, um NASA um whatever nonsense you have to explain as modern era applications applied to space, earth and sky relationships. Not even going to describe anymore. Like teaching a toddler why they need to wear a diaper.
Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
Critiquing grammar on a forum. Subvert and off topic, mean while providing the same need for said grammar critiquing. There is your clarity.
Back to the question. Explain Precession (not defined intentionally) from a flat earther perspective. I am all ears. Since you missed the rest of it, explain Precession in relation to solar, celestial and sky calculated and predictable movements. There I simplified it for you. Expecting no answer as all, 1st prediction, grammatical analysis by you, 2nd prediction, whimsical Wiki reference with crayon sketch showing how Precession could exist in the TRUE Flat Earth, 3rd prediction. Or you over achieve and do all 3 with some additional nonsense to circumvent the question and talking point.
I'll just keep it simple.. there's no photographs of earth from space. There's no photographs of earth from space. There's no PHOTOGRAPHS of earth from space. Synge that into your head until you understand why it is 100% reasonable to believe the earth is indeed flat. 4x4=16 but also 1,160-1,144=16 also. All the calculable math and predictions in lieu to precession or any other event could indeed be reimagined for the flat earth, being those formulas and equations were built off of each other's assumptions. You must understand how a university full of students acting as a think tank works right? Assume X, find Y for your assignment, show your work! They are all just theories stacked upon each other, mathematically agreeing with each other so they all seem true. It is now a labyrinth of work to be undone, and slowly it will be. Your continued mascot of science is the god forsaken NASA unfortunately, and they will continue feeding globers information that "adds up", however their credibility is laughable and anyone who believes anything they say are fools. Perhaps you'll see the sea on a calm sunny day, when the water appears like glass and it's easy to tell there's no curve.
You kept that very simple alright. Simply incoherent as expected. Photographs, photographs, photographs. Your thought process is so tied to modern wiki education it is laughable. Space and photographs have nothing to do with precession, its existence or anything relative to the matter. If you kept it simple you should simply say, shucks I dont know what precession really is. Nevermind. Kick a can back to the popsicle stand get a popsicle. It is not a re-imaginable event, this flimsy try hard double down explanation is the precipice of why the entire idea and proposed theories behind the absurd flat earth idea falls on its ass at every single level, angle and corner. BTW precession was utilized 1000s of years prior to photographs photographs photographs, um google earth, um NASA um whatever nonsense you have to explain as modern era applications applied to space, earth and sky relationships. Not even going to describe anymore. Like teaching a toddler why they need to wear a diaper.
Hubble telescope can take perfect picture of Mars but none of our Mars probes can turn around and take a picture of earth?