Directing people to a mossad funded psyop? Q said that AJ is controlled opposition, I would not direct people to infowars unless you were trying to make them laugh or enjoy some silly memes.
Holy fuck wad! The idea is that people are waking up. You idiots getting triggered by "infowars" need to wake the fuck up! It's the thought of people finally getting the fact that crap needs to change.
How is one picture of someone who slapped an infowars sticker Texas “making big moves?”
It’s the thought that counts
Directing people to a mossad funded psyop? Q said that AJ is controlled opposition, I would not direct people to infowars unless you were trying to make them laugh or enjoy some silly memes.
Curious placement. Are they waking up to the possibility AJ is 10% Ethanol?
I've thought that on a few occasions.
That’s a good way to scare someone lol
Holy fuck wad! The idea is that people are waking up. You idiots getting triggered by "infowars" need to wake the fuck up! It's the thought of people finally getting the fact that crap needs to change.
Admit it. You put that sticker there.
If so it’s backfiring. He’s waking people up (in general).