posted ago by ChronicMetamorphosis ago by ChronicMetamorphosis +21 / -0

Story time:

I renewed my license and bought stickers for my plates today.

When I walked into the BMV, there was an attendant setup immediately in the doorway with a plastic table, an eye examination station, some pens, etc. Basically what you would expect from a makeshift station. This isn't normal.

He immediately asks me what I am there for, and doesn't allow me to pass into the next room to speak to an attendant. This is new.

I tell him I'm renewing my license and my plate sticker. He asks if I want a Federal Issued ID. I said "I'll just take the normal one for now."

This is where it gets weird. He asks me to look into the eye examination station. I look in and its blurry as hell. I say to him "There has to be something wrong with this thing, I have 20/20 vision."

He tells me "No, that's how it's supposed to be. Your eyesight is bad." From this point on, all interactions from him have a condescending tone.

I reply, "Absolutely not, I've had 20/20 vision my entire life. I've never failed a vision test. Is there anyway you can adjust this?"

"No. This can't be adjusted." He tells me.

So I pressed my face against the station, and I had to tilt left and right to see the numbers, but I passed it.

"Do you have your birth certificate and social security card." He asks.

"Yes, I do."

This time he gets real condescending, "Then why aren't you getting a Real ID? Why would you bring your birth certificate and your social security card if you're not getting one?"

"Because I come prepared. Is there any other personal questions you'd like to ask me?" I glare at him.

"LOOK, IM JUST DOING MY JOB!" He raises his voice.

"Is it your job to ask me personal questions?" I respond.

"Just go on through" he says flustered.

Now I enter the normal section of the BMV that I'm used to. (Which now has a Bitcoin ATM)

I felt like I was being gaslighted into thinking I had bad eyesight. I imagine this trick would work on our elderly.

Has anyone else experienced pressure like this to get a Real ID?