The time has come to take back our country from those who stole it from us.
With the Maricopa county audit, that's 2.1 million ballots. That could be big for us. Antrim county, MI could also be a win for us. New audit in NH coming next week.
Again, as I've stated before, as well as many of you fine folks, these riots will be used as a distraction, but keep your eye on the prize here folks. NG and maybe if needed, Marines will be deployed for riot control in the areas there are riots, while Spec OPs will be conducting a series of arrests.
Remember, we start local first, the little guy will talk. Then go federal. We are not done. We will not back down. We're just getting started.
It is time to save our country. We MUST save this country. Save the United States, we save the world.
And to all the shills, MSM retards, and folks from the letter agencies watching this platform, we aren't calling for violence. We're not like the left. We are however, calling all Patriots to be ready to act in defense of your homes if your area is full of riots. The US is the freest country in the world. People come here to get FREEDOM. People come here to live the American dream. To get away from Communism.
I hope some of you who are feeling a little down are starting to see things now. You have to pay attention to the patterns, and pay attention to every little thing Trump says in his statements, everything Lin Wood says, everything Mike Lindell says, and everything Gen. Flynn says, as well as Pompeo at times. We've already gotten tons of comms from these folks. The main one is Lin Wood.
A storm is coming, and nothing can stop what's coming.
Let's get our country back.
Oh it’s on thank you!