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I didn’t get the shot but am around those that have, and I’ve had 2 miscarriages in a short period of time. No history of. It’s moving to the top of my focal point.
They both ended early, 6-7weeks. One right after another. We’ve been trying for 2 years, so I’m all about keeping track and testing. Maybe it’s coincidence. I’ve been researching to see if I can fix what’s happening. My nutrition and supplements are fine tuned.. my broken heart is desperate to know why. Determination starts to consume you after a while, especially if there is no “reason”.
Be aware if you have the MTHFR gene thing. If so, use l-methyl folate and not the common form. It is linked to miscarriages. Suffered 2 myself, then came my firstborn. I didn't know I had the gene until much later.