It is too bad that she gave the twitter punks a little ammunition, be it as minor as grammar is in the grand scheme of things. I am constantly disgusted by the articles at Breitbart, because they are so full of typos and grammatical errors it's like nobody proofreads them, not even the people who write them.
The substance of MTG's post is right on but she does need to be more careful whith her grammar.
What we say is a direct reflection of our thought and inaccurate grammar reflects inaccurate thought.
I greatly respect her and would vote for her for just about any position she ran for.
Grammar isn't a game.
It is too bad that she gave the twitter punks a little ammunition, be it as minor as grammar is in the grand scheme of things. I am constantly disgusted by the articles at Breitbart, because they are so full of typos and grammatical errors it's like nobody proofreads them, not even the people who write them.