posted ago by Britpat ago by Britpat +71 / -0

Guest presented on Absolute Radio in the U.K. this morning.

Was asked what annoys him?

Response: Hypocrisy

Gave an example. “ This mask thing and those Jabs. You know I just think every one should be free to do what they want and not be judged or called out.”

He then went on to say that after about a week of coverage last year “ he’d had enough of the bull and hasn’t listened to the News since”.

Asked what he likes to watch on TV “ just football ( soccer he’s a big Manchester City Fan),” he doesn’t watch any terrestrial/ MSM tv . “ I just have it on Netflix, it’s like having a million DVDs in your TV, does anyone still watch channels?”

Yes he’s a millionaire rockstar but he’s a bit like Gervais and Brand, they have the ability to be naturally controversial and make people stop and listen to them.