Realizing the NFL was rigged was my first baby step into 'conspiracies'....I read a great article on the history of the league, how it was founded by casino magnates, they played to storylines and rewarded loyal foot soldiers within the league who perhaps never gotten a ring...yet.
I decided to try and start picking SB winners based on storylines instead of things like skill and intangibles.
That year I picked the Pittsburgh Steelers to win the SB because Steelers RB Jerome Bettis was retiring after the season. Bettis had never won a SB and the SB was being held in his hometown of Detroit...
The Steelers won the SB in one of the worst refereed games that I can remember.
I used to LOVE the NFL.
Realizing the NFL was rigged was my first baby step into 'conspiracies'....I read a great article on the history of the league, how it was founded by casino magnates, they played to storylines and rewarded loyal foot soldiers within the league who perhaps never gotten a ring...yet.
I decided to try and start picking SB winners based on storylines instead of things like skill and intangibles.
That year I picked the Pittsburgh Steelers to win the SB because Steelers RB Jerome Bettis was retiring after the season. Bettis had never won a SB and the SB was being held in his hometown of Detroit...
The Steelers won the SB in one of the worst refereed games that I can remember.
Into the rabbit hole I went.