Hi all.
I've been on GA since last fall (two months before the election) I've started to follow Q about last spring. I've been a STRONG supporter of Trump since the beginning and was part of the first meme war. I have always understood the concept of dooming and it's exactly what the DS want's us to do. They are winning when we lose faith so i have always tried to be positive and stay the course.
Until some few days ago when i had a total meltdown due too family issues with the vaxx and seeing Trump promote it..
I went full retard-doomer mode and wasn't any better then the commie-retards trying to destroy this movement. Everyone have a really tough time right now so it was no reason for me to lose it all on Trump. I know this is very very complicated business and the best of changes takes time and sometimes needs sacrifice. This would have been so much worse with out Trump and the patriots. Without Q's drops i would now know the true meaning of despair..
Q has led us thus far and a lot of people has joined the movement to free the world from the satanic cabal. I was wrong in my despair and i will never again let this happen no matter what happens, no matter if Trump himself endorses Biden. We must pray and also realize that we are part of the change.
Yet again, i'm sorry for the doomer-mentality lately and sorry for the people i lashed out on.
WWG1WGA // Give them hell,
I think it's even simpler that that.
The vaxx was coming, it was a slightly later part of the DS plan. The lockdowns were meant to last months and years and destroy all independence. By then the vaxx would have been FDA approved, (safe or not) and would be made mandatory because of the "pandemic" emergency. There would be vaccine passports and all the other great reset measures Klaus Schwab was dreaming of like smart cities and pre-crime based on social score.
Trump turned towards the danger and partially neutralized it. He rushed the vax with warp speed. It's not fully tested, therefore it can't legally be mandatory. Anyone sensible will not take it without being forced.
He's going to expose the whole plan by catching them implementing it and ruining their plans with judo moves like this.
They must have some special means of planning to be able to pull this off in the face of the huge power of the cabal. The Q proofs show that the white hats have a special means of planing. I suspect there was only a few ways to defeat the cabal at this late stage.
The damage done so far and the subsequent great awakening of the normies is probably one of the least damaging options the Q team had. Can you imagine trying to de-fuse a cabal great reset plan? The cabal has such good resources. They can start wars just like that and can destroy the world if not removed with the utmost care.
The plan is surgery for super late stage cancer.
Also, the J&J jab is less toxic and doesn’t have the scary mRNA stuff. I believe this is the one Trump is pushing. He fast-tracked this one and got it out of the gate, forcing them to roll out their mRNA vaccine before it had been “declared safe.” (((They))) already had their mRNA set to go but are now forced to label “experimental.” I don’t think Trump is “for” vaccines at all, but people are so brainwashed and scared, he didn’t have much choice. Imagine the blowback if he had just flat said “no vaccines.”
"The plan is surgery for super late stage cancer." - Very well put fren.
Hunt for Red October reference...I like it
It's there in the Q drops
I completely understand. Sometimes I waver between hope and despair.
I found this article that explains and put everything in perspective. I sent it to myself so I could store it. It really helped me.
How Trump’s Vaccines Prevent the Great Reset and Save Humanity
I've read that article too.
u/kula posted it here https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNUuIpMY/how-trumps-vaccines-have-prevent/
James Fetzer also said something about debt cancellation being a part of the cabal's great reset. It's got me thinking.
I think that's a carrot. The Great Reset is the introduction of Communism and reducing the earth's population by 90%. They will meld humans with technology to be transhuman. Klaus Swab said the envision the world transhuman by 2030.
They want the 10% left to serve them. We will be equal. Equally miserable.
Yes I agree with that, all of it.
Do you think the white hats (who are actually going to win) want debt cancellation too?
My hang up with this is that if the FDA is corrupt enough to potentially approve a vaccine that's not safe, what's their hang up with having the vaccine approved already if the DS wants it that way? Any thoughts?
It's a time thing, they haven't had time to do all of the adverse reaction testing because it takes time for the adverse reactions to all appear I know the DS is good, but they can't rush time.