German police bust darknet child porn network 'with 400,000 members'
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I pray for this several times per day.
He's not doing it. If he were doing it he would have done it by now, assuming he cares for little children.
He's waiting for someone else to do it.
I disagree. With my God-given brain and God-given capacity for employing logic and rational thought, I do question why.
I'm just doing what's in my nature that I was granted and which harms no one. If he didn't want us to question why, he wouldn't have made it one of the things our brains do all day.
You should be asking God why it is taking so long - DEMAND ANSWERS
or you could Trust unto the Lord
it is we the people who will not open our eyes to reality - NOT GOD - he can see what's going on and HE is appalled
GOD WINS - with the help of all of us
I don't know why this is so downtown. You ever hear the one where He sent a pious man a raft and a helicopter during a flood?
Until Jesus comes again, everything proactively good rests on good people proving their courage, strength, and willingness to sacrifice.
God, I am praying for this person who pretends to be a Great awakening spirit but spews BS - may he find the Lord and raise vibration
We are his hands and feet. If he’s not doing it it’s because we’re not doing it.
It's another case of "What's the holdup, jeez how bad does it have to get"
Just like us here with Q