THEORY; What happens WHEN AZ finds 2020 election fraud?
Once fraud is discovered in AZ, the whole 2020 presidential election is null and void for Biden/Harris. That no other state audits are needed. They become disqualified in AZ and all 50 states. It wasn't just a one state election, it was all 50 states as a whole. Because it implicates Biden/Harris in a felonious crime to steal the whole election. (Recall what Biden said; that they put into place the biggest election fraud operation).
What if the election was determined by AZ alone for the winning electoral votes to put one candidate over the 270 to win? My common sense says once fraud is found in one state, the candidate that tried to steal just one state is automatically disqualified from the other 49 states as well.
One state's fraud equals automatic disqualification in the other 49 states. Because Biden/Harris committed a crime to steal the election, the electoral college votes all together becomes null and void. You just can't say, 'well Biden only tried to steal one state.' No, Biden tried (and succeeded) to steal the whole election and AZ was just a part of that scheme. Audits in the other questionable states are unnecessary at this point.
You can't just chip away at the electoral votes to give the now proven criminal; Biden less and Trump more. The crime to steal the election AS A WHOLE is now proven. Whether it's in one state or 10+ states, a crime is a crime is a crime. Biden has automatically disqualified himself from the 2020 presidential race, all electoral votes and WILL BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE! This, by proving his crime in AZ, period. So, he gets no votes and a 'go directly to jail' card.
This is why the Deep State/Dems-RINO's are pushing so hard to stop the audit! And the reason why the Biden admin is working at lightening speed to push through their bad laws, bad foreign policies and restart their great reset agenda! THEY KNOW THEIR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!
So, Biden = 0 vs Trump = 538 electoral college votes. There are 15 days or so to complete the audit and then another week or so to finalize the numbers! We're on a countdown. Perhaps this is why Trump has been so vocal lately? He's counting down the days!
Technically if Trump/Pence wins the 2020 election then Trump/Pence are the ones elected. If Pence is found guilty of something then I'm not sure what happens.. I think one of the Speakers of the House or Senate would move up, or Trump would select his replacement. I still hope that Pence is a good guy and just played a part for the show. We'll see, I haven't followed him much lately.
I go back and forth on Pence! We saw the Chris Miller video of him thanking Pence and all the intense military operations they were involved in.
I'm thinking this is the role both played in the military compartmentalized plan to take back our country. But then Pence ruled the way he did on Jan 6th as president of the senate. Then we have Lin Wood and his statements about Pence.
I just read last week that Pence is in Virginia, established a new organization (think tank) and had heart surgery to insert a pacemaker.
Also chatter/reports that he may go for a 2024 presidential run. What gives? Pence rode Trump's coat tails for four years! He's nothing without Trump!
It doesn’t matter if Pence is a good guy or not. He’s damaged goods at this point
Perhaps right now, but if Trump says that Pence has his support, and that his role was necessary for all this voter change going on, and the rest of "the plan" then I can see that clearing him. If he's a good guy.
Pence had the vaccine
I stand on the fact that Trump won 2020 so that would mean 2024 is up for grabs once Trump is restored as president. I surely hope by then we'll have a better read on things wrt Pence. I've actually heard a prophetic person say Trump would win 2020 and Pence would follow for 8 years, but I'm not established enough in their credibility to say who that was. We'll see what Trump says about him, in the coming months.
Lin Wood is a patriot, most certainly, and I believe acts out of a place of good intention, but he's not Trump and I don't take what he has to say as gospel. (neither do I with Trump, but that's another topic)