It’s not Donald Trump‘s responsibility for what’s happening. Period. Just like it wasn’t his responsibility for what happened that day. We’re all adults we all have decisions to make. Do I agree with what they’re doing to people NO - not in the least, because I was there as well. However, what is he going to do? What can he do? Nothing. He’s not the president anymore, he has no legal authority, and nothing he says or does is going to make any difference because everybody hates him and nobody wants to listen to him anyways. Well people on the left anyway! Every time I see a story about the January 6 event, I get a huge smile on my face. I was there it was the best day of my life and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me. I will never look at a picture of the capital in a movie, in a picture, in anyway being representative the same way ever again! Our voices were heard, and people are still talking about it and they will throughout history. I’m sorry things are not going the right way for a lot of people that were there, but there are always casualties in war, and we are at war!
Yes... But, how was Trump's legal defense paid for his alleged roll in the January 6 incident? A Billionaire can afford top legal counsel, but it was paid for by donations to RNC type funding. Why is that not being done for the alleged Insurrectionists? Even when Trump is concerned there is a two leveled justice system.
It's totally the presidents fault that a bunch of people trespassed at the capital. Sounds pretty MSM of ya.
What happened to personal accountability? Aren't we the crowd for that? Or is this another one of those "its different when we do it because of x, y, and z" kinda things? It's very unfortunate and very unfair that they get hemmed up and pantifa runs free but guess one forced anyone into that building and life ain't fair. Everyone there made choices. It's not on Trump to call in favors or help for every Tom, Dick, and Wayne that made a boneheaded decision. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Considering the amount of automatic comments that flooded this thread all with a "Trump abandoned us and doesn't care" tone makes it all pretty clear the shills are out.
Exactly! I was there, I had an opportunity to go inside, but I did not. I made a decision. I also made a decision to make sure I was back in my hotel room by 6 PM because there was a curfew. Anybody out after the curfew who was arrested, that’s on them. I’m so tired of this victim mentality. Thank you for stating what you said it was perfect
That's fine... At least those Patriots did more than than type out their opinions on a keyboard and shine Trump's ass. They deserve the support of anyone who encouraged the rally at the Capitol because the got caught up in a false flag set-up. As far as I am concerned, until he proves otherwise, Trump has really let us down. This is not TD.
He's got bigger issues at hand right now. Stop shilling, he gets back into office and pardons them all, problem solved, but first he has to take back the white house
Sure? a two level justice system for Trump? He spent the first three years fighting off Russia Russia Russia lawsuits.
Donald Trump is not responsible for what happened at the capital on January 6. The fact that our justice system is broken, and that there’s a fake president in office, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I get so tired of hearing everybody whine and cry about trying to hang everything on him all the time. He’s one human being.
He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders for five years for us, I think that’s enough. Yes I’d like to see him back in office, but I’m tired of everybody thinking that they could hang everything on him when things don’t go right. He’s only one man.
And he’s done more of his fair share for this country and for each and everyone of us. People should be a little bit more grateful.
The more I am on this site, the more I see people sounding like they’re from Reddit, or like they’re a bunch of whiny leftists!
By your logic anyone who does resist the Government gets what they deserve. When the time comes that you are forced by law to go to re-education camp or get the jab, I guess you will just fall into line like a good citizen. Yes, Trump is not going to save us. And cowards like you that think the Patriots at the Capitol are getting what they deserve are Rhino Cucks
I won’t be going to a reeducation camp, or taking the vaccine! If they come for me I’ll take a couple of them with me on my way out.
I didn’t say people should get what they deserve, because people don’t deserve to be going to jail for peacefully protesting out front of the capital.
However; If somebody entered that building, then that’s on them. If they stayed out after curfew, then that’s on them. If they stay after something it’s been called an unlawful assembly, then that’s on them.
What I’m saying is you cannot blame Donald Trump for other people making decisions with their lives.
I vehemently disagree with the fact that people are getting arrested for being there. There’s one person who should be arrested and that’s the person who shot Ashley BABBIT.
It’s not Donald Trump‘s responsibility for what’s happening. Period. Just like it wasn’t his responsibility for what happened that day. We’re all adults we all have decisions to make. Do I agree with what they’re doing to people NO - not in the least, because I was there as well. However, what is he going to do? What can he do? Nothing. He’s not the president anymore, he has no legal authority, and nothing he says or does is going to make any difference because everybody hates him and nobody wants to listen to him anyways. Well people on the left anyway! Every time I see a story about the January 6 event, I get a huge smile on my face. I was there it was the best day of my life and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me. I will never look at a picture of the capital in a movie, in a picture, in anyway being representative the same way ever again! Our voices were heard, and people are still talking about it and they will throughout history. I’m sorry things are not going the right way for a lot of people that were there, but there are always casualties in war, and we are at war!
Yes... But, how was Trump's legal defense paid for his alleged roll in the January 6 incident? A Billionaire can afford top legal counsel, but it was paid for by donations to RNC type funding. Why is that not being done for the alleged Insurrectionists? Even when Trump is concerned there is a two leveled justice system.
It's totally the presidents fault that a bunch of people trespassed at the capital. Sounds pretty MSM of ya.
What happened to personal accountability? Aren't we the crowd for that? Or is this another one of those "its different when we do it because of x, y, and z" kinda things? It's very unfortunate and very unfair that they get hemmed up and pantifa runs free but guess one forced anyone into that building and life ain't fair. Everyone there made choices. It's not on Trump to call in favors or help for every Tom, Dick, and Wayne that made a boneheaded decision. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Considering the amount of automatic comments that flooded this thread all with a "Trump abandoned us and doesn't care" tone makes it all pretty clear the shills are out.
Exactly! I was there, I had an opportunity to go inside, but I did not. I made a decision. I also made a decision to make sure I was back in my hotel room by 6 PM because there was a curfew. Anybody out after the curfew who was arrested, that’s on them. I’m so tired of this victim mentality. Thank you for stating what you said it was perfect
That's fine... At least those Patriots did more than than type out their opinions on a keyboard and shine Trump's ass. They deserve the support of anyone who encouraged the rally at the Capitol because the got caught up in a false flag set-up. As far as I am concerned, until he proves otherwise, Trump has really let us down. This is not TD.
He's got bigger issues at hand right now. Stop shilling, he gets back into office and pardons them all, problem solved, but first he has to take back the white house
If you’re not donating to help their legal defense, get the hell off your high horse.
Sure? a two level justice system for Trump? He spent the first three years fighting off Russia Russia Russia lawsuits.
Donald Trump is not responsible for what happened at the capital on January 6. The fact that our justice system is broken, and that there’s a fake president in office, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I get so tired of hearing everybody whine and cry about trying to hang everything on him all the time. He’s one human being.
He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders for five years for us, I think that’s enough. Yes I’d like to see him back in office, but I’m tired of everybody thinking that they could hang everything on him when things don’t go right. He’s only one man.
And he’s done more of his fair share for this country and for each and everyone of us. People should be a little bit more grateful.
The more I am on this site, the more I see people sounding like they’re from Reddit, or like they’re a bunch of whiny leftists!
By your logic anyone who does resist the Government gets what they deserve. When the time comes that you are forced by law to go to re-education camp or get the jab, I guess you will just fall into line like a good citizen. Yes, Trump is not going to save us. And cowards like you that think the Patriots at the Capitol are getting what they deserve are Rhino Cucks
I won’t be going to a reeducation camp, or taking the vaccine! If they come for me I’ll take a couple of them with me on my way out.
I didn’t say people should get what they deserve, because people don’t deserve to be going to jail for peacefully protesting out front of the capital.
However; If somebody entered that building, then that’s on them. If they stayed out after curfew, then that’s on them. If they stay after something it’s been called an unlawful assembly, then that’s on them.
What I’m saying is you cannot blame Donald Trump for other people making decisions with their lives.
I vehemently disagree with the fact that people are getting arrested for being there. There’s one person who should be arrested and that’s the person who shot Ashley BABBIT.
PS it’s not by my logic it’s by yours. Everything I say you put through your own filter, and then you spit it out what you think I’m saying.