It’s a simple math equation. Instead of going A+B+C+D=E, the argument is A=E
For example. As someone in the center, I can see the argument that “Black America has less chances of success in life liberty and pursuit of happiness because of previous policies in place(A). Those previous policies were done by politicians who openly wanted to keep Black America down (B). They wanted to keep Black America down because they were racists. (C). They were racist because we know these politicians were members of the KKK and other large hate groups (D). Those hate groups existed and were large because of the racism that existed (E).
To the liberal, the argument is A=E. Black America has a less chance of success because racism exists.
It makes sense on the surface, but problem is superficial. It's one dimensional logic which is prized by those in control. Second order logic asks why do skip from A to D. In anything always ask how and why. I think you have that down. Crossing into third order logic is much harder. It requires seeing things most don't, such as trends, connections and the 'meta' of it all.