At gym this morning and usually don’t watch TV but something caught my eye. - Epstein and Gates relationship being discussed on one of the major fake networks. (Seems odd but maybe something is starting to happen with Gates and others) Just never expected to see this on major network.
Anyways here is to a happy happenings week!
Love y’all and God bless America and us, the Patriots!
Interesting! They are trying to make her look like the victim and give her all the money in the divorce. Then she can still fund all the corruption while Bill takes the fall?
At gym this morning and usually don’t watch TV but something caught my eye. - Epstein and Gates relationship being discussed on one of the major fake networks. (Seems odd but maybe something is starting to happen with Gates and others) Just never expected to see this on major network.
Anyways here is to a happy happenings week!
Love y’all and God bless America and us, the Patriots!
Nice turn of events in the movie to help wake people up!
I agree and maybe mockingbirds will double down this entire week.. Something to keep an eye on.
Interesting! They are trying to make her look like the victim and give her all the money in the divorce. Then she can still fund all the corruption while Bill takes the fall?
Follow the wives, good people!
Is it just me, or are they trying to pretty her up?
I agree with what you're saying 100%, but when I said "pretty her up" I meant - she doesn't look like a man anymore.
Just look at her in that screen shot, they really got an all around better shot of her. Dont you think?